The Equalizer

Due to a fairly last minute change, YHC switched the Q with Turncoat for a Birthday Beatdown. Thank you for allowing me the chance since I was clearly sleeping and missed the fact Cauldron and my Bday intersected this year. Enough of that. YHC had a plan to make sure everyone got the equivalent reps today and set off to execute the plan.


Warm up

Slow Windmill

Dwight Schrutes


Arm Circles Forward & Backward

The Equalizer

The Pax had their choice of deciding their own rep count. They could choose their age and that would be their rep count, vs. my rep count of 52. However, if they chose their age, there was an equalizer to offset the difference between the two ages. Frontier & Capone chose their ages, and the rest of the Pax chose my age for their rep count. The equalizer was burpees for the difference in age. Capone had to do 13, and Frontier 8. I thought more Pax would choose their own age, but once one decided on 52, the rest followed. Instructions provided, it was time to do the work.

All exercises 52 reps, or 26 IC depending

KB Swings – 52

KB Squats – 26 IC

KB Curls – 26 IC

Run a lap of DPK

KB Bent over row – 26 IC

Chest Press – 26 IC

WW2 Sit ups with KB – 52

DL – 26 IC

Run a lap of DPK

American Hammer – 26 IC

Lawn Mower – 26 IC (13 each arm)

Round the world – 26 IC 

KB Throw across the green & back, replacing our divots. One KB did hit the concrete and left a mark. Oops.

Mobility moment 

Upward Dog

Downward Dog

Pigeon L&R

Runners Pose with Arm extension L&R



TC got a call at 5:30 and left to let his M back in the house, and still made it back for most of the workout and coffeteria. Well done.

Frontier let his hair down and gave his best Marilyn Monroe imitation after COT. Thanks for the refill as well.

Capone realized choosing his age for the number of reps didn't turn out to be the best choice. Strong work pushing through the equalizer & thanks for coming to the workout. Great to see you in the gloom again.

The Force was making furious mental notes of enthusiasm, participation, punctuality, and effort. He's always watching so if you come to Cauldron you better give it your all. Also, thank you for the coffee & the Shirt. Boo-ya!

Popcorn is usually in shorts and a Tshirt when it is 20 degrees. Today was twice that and he was dressed twice as warm. Weird, maybe doing some sweat training.

Toxic was on Topgun time today, but for good reason.

Topgun was also on Topgun time today, because he earned it. He is Topgun after all.

Frogger was very confused by YHC's prize winning shirt today. He either needs glasses, or is watching some weird stuff on the interwebs.

The Hall Monitor was not a huge fan of the leg portion of the workout today. He is running the Duvall Half tomorrow so I hope his legs forgive him.

Titan disappeared for a while and returned to find his bell missing – that's odd. But, with it being the only orange bell, he found it quickly.

Lawn Dart was back from vacation and giving Toxic some MI trash talk. 

Blackbeard had an obstructed view for much of the workout. Hopefully he is able to get that out of his mind today.

Cherry Bomb chose the 52 rep option but halfway through the WW2's was considering the burpee equalizer. Using a 40 lb bell will do that to you.

Amen chose the 52 rep option as well and stayed mostly quiet. Though he could have been drowned out by Frogger and Toxic.

Thanks for joining me on the start of my 52nd trip around the spinning ball. Prayers are lifted for Christy, Dayna, and all the unspoken thoughts. Until next time.