The Estate – A Classic Beat Down

13 Pax were circled up at 6:58AM wondering if the Q would Kumquat the workout but after a speedy entrance (with Elvis in the passenger seat) and some help planting the shovel flag while the Q tied his laces, the beat down began at precisely 7:01AM.  Here is the chronicle of the events that followed:

WARMORAMA: Parking Lot

  • Pledge of Allegiance (A standard at The Estate)
  • 10 burpees (crowd pleaser)
  • 25 side straddle hops (IC)
  • 25 mountain climbers (IC)
  • 16 toy soldier (IC)
  • 14 imperial storm troopers (IC)
  • 15 jabbawockeez (IC)


Phase 1: Mosey to Bus Lot

  • 10 reps of each exercise, then sprint 50 yards
  • 5 sets of the exercise and 4 sprints per round:
    • Round 1 – ‘Mericans
    • Round 2 – Squats
    • Round 3 – Turkish get ups (audible – 3 sets, 2 sprints this round)
    • Round 4 – Mason Twist (IC)
    • Round 5 Jump lunges (IC)

Phase 2: Walk to Picnic Area

  • 10 Box (Bench) Jumps
  • 15 decline ‘Mericans (20 for first set)
  • 15 dips
  • Repeato x 3

Phase 3: Mosey to Lower Soccer Field

  • 25 yards walking lunges – 5 burpees
  • 25 yards broad jumps – 5 burpees
  • 25 yards bear crawl – 5 burpees
  • 25 yards crab walk – 5 burpees
  • Karaoke back
    • 50 yards karaoke run right
    • 50 yards karaoke run left
  • 100 Yard Run
  • 100 Yard Run back (picking up cones along the way)

MARY: Back to Parking Lot

  • 15 Low Flutter (IC)
  • 15 Freddy Mercury (IC)
  • 15 Windshield Wipers
  • 25 LBCs (IC)
  • 15 WWII Sit-ups


  • The running totaled 1.5 miles for those interested in statistics
  • Tantrum cheats on the squats (so I heard) It's either that or his hips are just not flexible.
  • Someone pointed out that Turkish get ups are easy for some because they have less weight to get up so I called an audible and took 20 out of the plan. Effective non-BS BS call.
  • YHC is not sure who tried to throw away my Weinke after Phase 2 but I have a strong suspicion that Tantrum had a hand in it since he pointed me to the garbage can when I asked where it was.
  • Sponge Bob saved the Phase 3 plan when my brain malfunctioned and decided we would only get in three of the planned 25 yard segments due to poor cone management.  His calm sugestion that we just start at the sidewalk was met with disapproval from the rest of the Pax but with appreciation from me – I owe you one Sponge Bob.
  • Sponge Bob proceeded to own that part of the workout until…
  • Amoeba had a strong second wind and crab walked LIKE A BOSS at the end.  Not sure where that energy came from but well done brother.
  • We ended at 8:00 sharp (sort of) until I asked if anyone had an exercise that just really wanted to do – Tantrum volunteered the WWII sit-up and we did somewhere between 15 and 20 due to his speedy "up" calls (Q school drop-out?).  
  • We ended at 8:01am which made it exactly 1 hour long.  Thanks Tantrum.
  • IKEA turned 51 today and YHC had no idea because I showed up late.  Many apologies for not wishing him a happy birthday during the workout and best wishes for a fantastic day and for many more birthdays to come being celebrated by starting with TWO F3 workouts!  He Q'd Excelsior before The Estate – STRONG!!!
  • It was a strong group of men who showed up today and pushed through this burner of a workout.  As I always say, I am happy to conceive and lead a classic boot camp beat- down each Saturday that pushes me to work hard (If you can't do it, then don't Q it) but if you want to see a different workout at The Estate, I am more than willing to hand over the Q…just let me know and it's yours!
  • As always, we followed up a great workout with a solid showing at coffeeteria at NY Bagel
  • Next week (Jan 16th) a NoCo legend (Scrappy) has the Q – see you then!
