A whopping 32 PAX traded their fartsacks for gloom to celebrate the 7-year anniversary of the Estate.  And Gloomy it sure was, with a not-quite raining mist (which turned into a sprinkle at times).  But that didn’t stop us from revisiting old traditions and honoring some Estate OGs.  More on that in the Moleskin.

A few PAX got some pre-running in, Tantrum, 9-Lives, and Frogger running the RR10k, YHC running a lonely excelsior.

(Zare, Rodeo and his 2.0 Tony Stark weren’t in the database.)


YHC led the PAX on a long warmup run to the top of the parking lot hill and back, giving the PO parked there a drive by, some carioca, high knees and butt kickers thrown in.  We stopped by the flag, where founding co-MQ Freedom led us in the Pledge of Allegiance (an Estate Tradition).

After disclaimer, YHC ran through the evolution of today’s workout, which prompted Duval to kick off the mumblechatter asking for more workout less story…careful what you wish for!

SSH x14IC, ISP x14IC, TSx14IC, Carrot Puller x7IC, Windmills x7IC, Slow deep ‘Mericansx7IC, Slow deep squats x7IC (Being the 7th anniversary, and 14 PAX attending the very first workout, YHC tried to keep counts to 7 or 14).  PAX were sufficiently warmed and warned.


We got things started with an estate favorite (or at least we do it often enough) the Kamakazi!  Unfortunately the fields were drenched from the previous day/night’s rain, and for some reason YHC was feeling gracious, so YHC opted for a modified Kamakazi on the parking lot.  Pax completed 7 Burpees at the start then ran to the first aisle to do 7 ‘Mericans (bottom of the hill), then across the aisle (top of the hill) for 7 Squats, back “down” with 7 ‘Mericans and back to the start.  Repeato, this time to the second aisle, stopping at each side of each aisle for ‘Mericans and Squats.  There were three aisles total, PAX went “up and down” the latter, a total of 5 “rounds”, and totals of 40 Burpees, 91 Squats and 119 ‘Mericans!  The fastest PAX got some extra credit finishing up with picking up the 6.  Then headed over to the curb for some Rocky Balboas to solidify the exhaustion.

Sensing that the PAX were exhausted, sick of running and sick of burpees, we headed over to the track for more running and more burpees!  After considerable effort getting three relatively balanced single file lines, we proceeded with Bataan Death March, (Indian run with the last PAX dropping to do two burpees before sprinting to the front of the line).  One lap was sufficient, then the group moseyed over to the upper lot for some more fun, some embracing the soggy grass field, some opting for the longer, but dryer run along the parking lot.

Once at the upper lot the PAX lined up against the wall for some more Estate regulars, the Balls-to-the-wall (hands on the ground, feet on the wall) and People’s Chair (wall sit).  During Peoples chair we took some time to honor past MQ’s and estate OG’s, granting them an early exit from the people’s chair position.  Repeato.

With the winkie running low (and none of my backup plans suitable for 30+ PAX), we circled up for a chaotic attempt at a ‘Merican time bomb.  We “got through” three rounds then moved on to the next.  We did some suicides just to make sure the PAX got their running fill, then circled up for Mary.



WE circled up, and started off with some Shoulder Touch ‘Mericans in honor of Snake-Eyes (one of the co-founding MQ’s), let by the man/myth/legend himself.  Then Freedom (another founding co-MQ) kicked off Mary and we went around a third of the circle with PAX choosing our fate.  Some got cheers for stopping at 7 reps, or groans for going all the way to 14.  Some were deceptively difficult (Moses called a one legged ‘Merican henceforth dubbed the pissing dog ‘Merican).  With a few minutes left, we called an end to Mary and headed over to the wall for one last surprise.

The final Estate “Tradition” we honored was called Up and Over the Wall. Pretty self explanatory, PAX were instructed, if they are able (YHC recited the disclaimer again for good measure) to get up and over the wall. YHC led the way and most of the PAX followed suit.  I won’t point out those who didn’t (I’ll just say they must not be used to climbing walls up in Davidson!).



  • It was terrific to see such a great showing today to honor this AO and it’s OG’s.  Tclaps to Mr. Holland, and any other MQ’s who converged with us today, and for the PAX who traveled from far away lands like Davidson to be with us.
  • For a little of the Estate History that was shared, the first Estate Workout was held on 1/5/13 (Saturday in case you were wondering).  Freedom, Snake Eyes and 9-Lives were co-MQ’s and there were 14 PAX in attendance.
  • A list of the MQ’s throughout the years: Freedom, Snake Eyes, 9-Lives, Jolly Roger, Professor, Black Eyed Pea & Turnpike (and now YHC).  Thanks guys for your leadership and stewardship, I hope to follow in your footsteps and keep The Estate as a top-class AO.
  • YHC should have had Blackbeard pull the stats on how many PAX have attended over the years, but safe to assume it was countless!
  • Q Calendar is open in March & April for those who want to leave their own stamp on The Estate!

