32 PAX gathered in the parking lot of Richard Barry Park to celebrate the 8 year anniversary of the day that 14 brave PAX gathered together to form The Estate, and I'm even sure some of them weren't only chasing the prospect of free beer and donuts!  It was a wet morning, a little chilly to start but we warmed it right up.  It went a little something like this:

WARMORAMA:  We Moseyed over to the lower field, half lap and circled up around the midfield.  After intro and disclaimer, we warmed up with SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, Windmill, Long-Snapper/Dwight Schroot (all X14 IC in honor of the 14 founding PAX).  Once sufficiently warm, YHC explained today's main event:

THE THANG:  The KAMAKAZI!  There have been several variations of the kamakazi over the years, but all involved long suicieds across the three fields and up the hills.  (For those unfamiliar with Richard Barry Park's fields (shame on you!) but there are three fields, each with a large hill on it's northeast side).  This is how YHC drew it up today:

Starting at the far edge of the lower field:,run across Field 1 to the bottom of the first hill and back.  Then run to the top of the first hill and back.  Then run to the bottom of the second hill (up the first hill and across the second field) and back.  Then to the top of the second hill.  Then to the bottom of the third hill, then finaly to the top of the third hill.

Sounds pretty easy right?  Well maybe not when you throw in the excercises.  Every time the PAX reach the bottom of a hill (from either direction) they perform 8 'Mericans, and each time they reach the top of a hill they perform 8 Squats.  And lastly, each time they return to the start they perform 1 burpee, adding 1 burpee each leg.  SO here is the tally:

Leg 1: 1 field (across and back), 8 'Mericans. 1 burpee
Leg 2: 1 field, 1 hill, 16 'Mericans, 8 Squats, 2 burpees.
Leg 3: 2 fields, 1 hill, 24 'Mericans, 16 Squats, 3 burpees.
Leg 4: 2 fields, 2 hills, 32 'Mericans, 24 Squats, 4 burpees.
Leg 5: 3 fields, 2 hills, 40 'Mericans, 32 Squats, 5 burpees.
Leg 6: 3 fileds, 3 hills, 48 'Mericans, 40 Squats, 6 burpees.

And well since we are celebrating 8 years, we couldn't very well stop at 6, so we tacked on two more:
Leg 7: 1 feld, 8 'Mercans, 7 burpees.
Leg 8: 1 field, 8 'Mericans, 8 Squats, 8 Burpees.

Once all 8 rounds were complete, we circled up around the midline for some "Mary"

MARY:  After circling up, YHC asked any OG PAX who were present 8 years ago to step forward (Freedom, 9 lives and Snake Eyes stepped forward).  This left 11 of the 14 OG PAX missing, therefore the PAX had to perform 11 burpees in honor of the missin PAX, and the 3 OG PAX were allowed to watch (and heckle).  Once all burpees were finished, the 3 OG PAX each picked a Mary excercise:
Freedom: Low Flutter x20 IC
9 Lives: Pretzel Crunch, x14 IC each leg.
Snake Eyes: Shoulder Touch 'Mericans of course!  X14 IC.

Once complete, the PAX were instructed to head back to the parking lot to circle up for COT, the Pledge of Allegiance and the ceremonial playing of Amaxing Grace bagpipe style.  After COT, we refreshed ourselves with some cold beers, hot coffee, baklava and some fresh Apple Cider Donuts!


  • YHC was truly greatful to all of the PAX who showed up to celebrate.  The Estate has some rich history and has been a solid rock in my fitness life, as I'm sure it has for many others, and we wouldn't be here if not for those 14 PAX 8 years ago.
  • HUGE thanks to Popcorn for the tunes, Force for the coffee, Crocs for the extra beers, Jaws and Tantrum for the cider donuts, Crab Legs for the cocktails and Goodlife for the baklava, this was a group effort and very much appreciated!
  • COT we lifted up Happy Gilmore who couldn't join us due to COVID-19, get well soon!  We were promised he did not get it from the Force, but there was some discussion on whether the Force's M was involved ;p (joking).
  • We had an FNG naming!  Popcorn brought is father, who was appropriately named Kernel!  Kernel was celebrating his victory over Lymphoma, fantastic news and congratulations!  You have my permission to bring the Kamakazi back to the Phoenix PAX!
    • Polar Bear in February – see Freedom/9-Lives
    • Krispy Cream run February 14th – See 9-Lives
    • Carpetbagger found some gloves at a previous workout.  If missing any reach out to him.