The Estate welcomes everyone


  • ISTs, soybean farmers, slow windmill 

The Thing: 30 minutes with YHC Q

  • Each Pax flips the tire 10 yards (ish) while the rest sideways plank walk. We did this for 120 yards in total
  • Core work: Plank, LBCs, low flutters, plank
  • Repeato on the tire flipping but with the Pax doing lunge walks
  • In the little park area: Dips, squats, and tire crunches 
  • Round of block work

Carpet Bagger’s 30 minutes:

  • More block work: OH press, bent over rows, skull crushers, dips, Mericans on blocks
  • Repeato all
  • Some one legged balance stands
  • 5 rounds of 5 pull-ups while your partner runs
  • Dips and step ups
  • Incline Mericans and step ups
  • Repeato balance stands


One of the Qs (we won’t name names) said some unkind things in a Twitter channel. That’s out of character! The Estate welcomes everyone, even those who might occasionally visit other (less awesome) AOs on Saturday. 😂
