The Extreme Vern

YHC turned the corner at DPK to find several MECA and Rucker pax waiting for their beatdown. Then the regulars showed. It was shocking to see 12 pax ready to get surved up an evening of pain.


The Thang:

Up to the top of the parking deck through camp Gladitor for some Warm o Rama

SSH x 25

IPC x 15 

Mountain Climbers x 15

HillBilly x 15

Cotton Picker x 15

Mosey back through camp Gladitor and to the Neighborhood park. Along the way we covered some backwards running, shuffles, and car dodging.

The Workout:

The Extreme Vern

10 Pull ups run 200yds yes up the hill

20 Dips run 200 yds up the hill

25 Merkinks run 200 yds up the hill

30 LBC's run 200 yds up the dam hill

Repeat 5 Cycles if you can ( we didnt make it)

Back to the Parking Deck for a bit of MARY

Low Flutter x15

Peter Parker x 10

Parker Parkerx 10 

Recover Recover

The Moleskin:

It was an honer to have 12 pax out tonight for NightRanger. Its usually a small group but it was great to meet some new pax and see some old mugs out there. Well for 12 guys I think that was the quietest workout i have Q'ed. I guess we were all embracing the suck and pushing full steam ahead. Well all but RamRod. I guess he was just modifing. Thanks for coming out and good luck to the boys doing the Heavy. Hope to see you all soon again!


