The F3 Davidson OUTSIDE Workout

Event Date

Jan 20, 2016

Rumor has it there were a bunch of guys somewhere in Davidson inside a building stretching out and stuff.  Lots of Lululemon tights and yoga mats, I heard.  They DID collect cans of food for the needy, however, so they have that going for them. 

For 11 of the OUTSIDE Davidson Faithful, there was an OUTSIDE bootcamp workout available, as always.  Here's what we did:


Run to Back of Baker Sports Complex where Old Pullup Bars reside.

Warm-up with SSH, Mtn Climbers, Merkins, etc.

Pullup Bar Circuit: 10 pullups, run to stairs, 10 squat jumps, down stairs and back up then back to bars, Repeat 3 times.  Finish with 10 more pullups for a total of forty.

Run to track: Merkins X12, LBCs, Wide X10, Lo Flutter, Diamond X8, Heels to Heaven, T-Pushup X10.

Stairway to Seven: One burpee, one pushup, run to top, one squat…increase on rep per stairway, up to seven burpees, seven pushups, seven squats.

SandBags on Track: CurlsX10, PressX10, SquatX10 (2 sets of each)

Burpee/Broad Jump Kicker on path back to Green from Stadium:10 burpees, 5 broad jumps, 8 burpees, 4 broad jumps, 6 burpees, 3 broad jumps, 4 burpees, 2 broad jumps, 2 burpees, 1 broad jump

Run back to Green for some Mary and COT.

Moleskin:  Nice work on a cold morning.  We covered a lot of ground and I appreciate the motivation you all give me each day!  Just kidding about the Pain Lab…it is good stuff but I think you guys need to move back outside…just sayin'…

Additional Pax not listed above: Gorby (FNG Sean who was a Russian Linguist in the Navy) and Eminem (Kotters…) plus one I am forgetting (sorry chime in please).