THE F3 Denver Friday Fun Run – Is that Fog or Pollen?

14 started their weekend early in a misty, foggy, muggy way…….

 – GW honored us with is presence, believe he said he was heading to the beach soon

 – Jeeves wore a 5" inseam short and wowed us with his boundy stride

 – Jeeves and Shirley talked all things aeronautics and ailerons

 – Boucher continues to push Saucony on everyone

 – Dandy loves intersections now, stops at everyone to enjoy them

 – Clickbait said he wanted to be just like me when he grew up

 – Dr. D is now leading the charge from the front a lot

 – Mater starts out the run extremely grouchy, but as always his mood improves by the time he peels away in his jeep

 – No porta jon visits for Strudel today

 – Crabby shows up 2 minutes late

 – Rudolph converted miles to kilometers the whole time

 – Einhorn led us throughout the run; dude is killing it

 – This was Fabio's last early Fun Run.  

 – I have spoken

