THE F3 Denver Friday Fun Run – So You want Some Miles you say?

13, maybe 14 but can't remember.  Sound off below if I missed someone. 

 – Tired of folks saying they need more miles each Friday, so I extended it to 6+, you're welcome

 – ShakeWeight never complained about not getting his required 5 miles

 – Fabio rescued Boucher and drove him back to Iron Station vs. smashing in his car window

 – Rudolph still doesn't know how to change a lightbulb

 – Dr. D was quiet and seemed to enjoy the extra miles with ease

 – Mater still loves me

 – FNG is Lee, my "interim" new nextdoor neighbor.  He hit it off with TL it seems

 – We let TL join us even though he only took 2nd place in The Stevest 

 – Dandelion is dealing with the worst Oregon grass seed shortage in years

 – Clickbait doesn't like me it seems.  No chatter.

 – GW joins us during his 56 hour workweek

 – Strudel stays the most fully-clothed

 – I have spoken

