THE F3 Denver Friday Fun Run – This Could Get Problematic

16 men ventured very close to the problematic number of 17 according to F3 curriculum….A great problem to have.

 – After many compliments about my trimmer physique which made me blush but that are always welcome we set-out

 – Dandy and Einhorn both run like they are riding a motorcycle

 – Einhorn gets overly protective of Jeeves' obvious flirtation towards YHC in Mile 1

 – Fabio goes trail running since he claims that it's the only time his Kinvaras aren't as loud as a helicopter don't hurt his feet

 – Dr. Doolittle does well not to lock his 2 sets of keys in his truck this morning but has a bit of trouble negotiating his W-Turn out of the AO

 – Mater is headed back to the mother land this weekend, I can already smell LBI on his breath

 – FNG 1 is Clickbait, who's top matched my runderwear this morning…..just saying.  

 – Strudel was much nicer to me this morning and enjoyed his jaunt through Sam's resort town

 – ShakeWeight was rocking his flaming pink campfire story Saucony's this morning

 – Boucher is our Saucony PIMP

 – Crabby and I twinned with our shoes

 – TommyLee left mid-run to go make sure he got his workout in. We saw him later on lightly jogging at a 5 minute pace while doing a podcast.

 – I warn Rudolph that I will not be watching the Tour De France live in the coming weeks so don't spoil it

 – SPORK WAS THERE!!  He rained down compliments especially when Vortex was around and said he was going to start to come EVERY Friday

 – I have spoken

