First off, I'm not a professional, nor do I aspire to be one…

It's been said before, that the first 6 inches are the hardest in the morning!  
Some of us, may even say rock hard.  So what better place to start your day than The Rock!
In all, 17 Bootcampers and 7 runners got out of the fartsack this morning to attend.

The Warmup

16 x Side Straddle Hop IC
16 x Imperial Storm Troopers IC
16 x Cotton Picker IC
10 x Wind Mills IC

1 x Fountain Lap (Some may have heard "Follow the Map")

The Thang

20 x Kettle Bell Curls IC
20 x Kettle Bell Skull Crushers IC
20 x Kettle Bell Overhead Press IC
10 x Slow Deep Squat IC
10 x Upright Row IC

1 x Fountain Lap
5 x Burpees OYO

20 x Kettle Bell Curls IC
20 x Kettle Bell Skull Crushers IC
10 x Kettle Bell Overhead Press IC
10 x Slow Deep Squat IC
10 x Upright Row IC

1 x Fountain Lap

Mosied over to Charlotte Running Company and partnered up.

Partner 1 wore a 30 lbs. ruck and farmers carried two kettle bells around the loop, while partner 2 did a Jack Webb stack to at least 5.
When partner 1 returned from the farmers carry, both partners did 5 burpees OYO and then switched.  We did this 3 times.

Mosied back to the start.


15 x Weighted Flutter Press IC
10 x WWII Sit Up IC
15 x Mason Twist IC
25 x LBC IC
15 x Peter Parker IC
1 x Fountain Lap 

Recover Recover!

We had 1 2nd post FNG, who also happens to be my brother-in-law, Rob.  After some discussion, we settled on Mr. Roper as his F3 name.

Thanks for the opportunity, it was fun!