The Festival of Lights

Event Date

Feb 06, 2020

Seven Warriors came out to take on the mini-CSAUP, the FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS this gloomy, wet, rainy morning. *umbrella*

For anyone (dumb enough) wanting to try this, it takes about 20 min to set everything up before-hand.  Toxic was the first to show and waiting in his Jeep as IYHC moseyed up after placing the last token in the Bear Cage.

Gathered up and then:


15x SSH IC, 15x Cherry Pickers IC, Arm Circles forward and back, and then some triceps stretches while I covered the Disclaimer with emphasis on wet and slippery.  TWSS *twss*

Then YHC whipped out the first token (sandwich bag) with an ON running blinkie light (hereafter known as The Light) and the following note:  


Welcome to the Festival of Lights.  You must complete a series of quests, or be doomed to this soggy gloom forever!  Now…

Mosey to the Tennis Court then read the quest below: (stop reading and run)

Once at the Tennis Court door:  

You are at the Bear Cage.  There is no walking upright in the bear cage…

Until the Light is found!  Your quest is:

Bear Crawl across the Tennis Court and find the Light.  

If any PAX stands up before the light is found, all PAX must do 10x Burpees OYO (each time a PAX stands)

Hint:  The light is on the other side.

PAX can stand once the Bear Cage Light is found – Go forth!

Ultraman, the fastest Bear this AM, finds the Light! And reads the note there within:

You have found the Bear Cage Light!

Choose wisely, A or B:

  1. Someone volunteer to Q The Wilderness on 2/27
    1. That HIM gets to keep the light and
    2. All PAX will do 20x deep Prison Yard Squats OYO
  2. Or, if no volunteers:
    1. Finder keeps the light and
    2. ALL PAX do 20x BURPEES OYO

When A or B is done, read the next quest (stop reading till exercise is done)

Die Hard steps up to Q on 2/27 with zero hesitation!  So Pax do    
       A. Deep Prison Yard Squats

Mosey to the Playground 

Once all PAX are at the Playground: Read the quest below:

Your quest is to climb to find the light!

Hint:  Aim High!, like the Air Force, though not as lame.  FLY NAVY!

DieHard said it was actual Air National Guard.  Same same, but different.

Ultraman climbs up the jungle gym to the top and finds the Light!  And reads the note within

You have found the Highest Peak Light!

Choose wisely:

  1. A HIM will volunteer to Q the Wilderness on 3/12
    1. That HIM gets to keep the light!
    2. And All PAX do 20s pull-ups and 20 dips OYO, alternate as needed
  2. No one steps up:
    1. Finder keeps the Light!
    2. ALL PAX so 20x BURPEES OYO

IKEA jumps on this the Q for 3/12 and takes the Light!  So we do A.

When the exercise is done…

Mosey over to the Giant Atlas Tire 

Once all PAX are at the Tire:  Read the quest below:

Free the Tire from its earthly bonds and relocate it to the parking lot

During relocation time, PAX find the Atlas Tire Light

Ultraman finds the Light and read the note within:

You have found the Atlas Tire Light!

Now choose wisely:

  1. A HIM will volunteer to Q the Wilderness on 3/19
    1. The HIM that volunteers gets to keep the light
    2. Then all PAX, working in pairs, will Flip the Tire 5x times
    3. All other PAX, while not flipping, will do AMRAP squats
  2. If no one steps up to Q, all PAX will suffer the ATLAS TIRE CURSE
    1. Finder Keeps the light, but
    2. ALL PAX, working in pairs, flip the tire 5x times
    3. While all other PAX do AMRAP BURPEES until all flips are done

The Force takes the 3/19 Q and the Pax do A. 

When the exercise is done, read the following 

Mosey over to the Great Crab Sand Pit (volleyball court)

Once all PAX are at the Pit, read the quest below:

Find the Great Crab’s Light in the Pit!

All PAX must Crab Walk through the pit

Any PAX stands before the light is found; all PAX will do 5x Burpees OYO (each occurrence)

Hint:  The light is buried.  Duh.  *itwasntme*

*swear*The Force is not happy with this turn of events, stating some people have to get back in their cars when this is over.  Everyone else starts crab walking all over the place looking for this light buried in the sand.  YHC buried the light with the corner of the sandwich bag poking out of the sand and it was still pretty hard to find.  Apparently the rain had shifted the sand to bury it a little deeper.  Note for next time during a torrential downpour.

The Force finds the Light!  And reads the note:

You have found the GREAT CRAB’s LIGHT!

Now choose wisely, or suffer the consequences:

  1. A HIM will volunteer to Q the Wilderness on 3/26
    1. That HIM gets to keep the light
    2. Then all PAX do 10x IC Shoulder Touch Merkins in the sand
  2. If no one steps up to Q, all PAX will suffer the Sand Crab Curse
    1. 1x Hand Release Merkin, roll on your six, 1x LBC, roll on your face
    2. Repeat alternating 1x Hand Release Merkin and 1x LBC until completed 10x each OYO
    3. You are now a sugar cookie

Amen steps up to Q on 3/26. All Pax do A. and stay “mostly” sand free.

When the exercise is done, read the following:

Mosey over to Queen’s Corner

Once all PAX are at Queen’s Corner, read the quest below:

Find the Queen’s Light!

Good news, you can stand/walk normal while searching.  You are welcome!

IKEA finds the Queen’s Light by The Grove and reads the note:

You have found the Queen’s Light!

Now choose wisely, or suffer the Queen’s Rath, and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned:

  1. A Him will volunteer to Q the Wilderness on April 9
    1. That HIM gets to keep the light
    2. All PAX do 20x Freddie Mercury’s In Cadence (IC)
  2. No one steps up to Q, all PAX mosey to the Pain Clock
    1. Finder keeps the light
    2. At 12 o’clock, do 5x Eight count body builders,
    3. Repeato at 3, 6, and 9 o’clock (total of 20x)

Toxic steps up to Q this one, and actually remembered the date at Name-A-Rama, so Pax do the Queen’s Corner Freddie Mercs.

When A or B is done, read the following

Mosey to the Rock Pile (Weight Room)

Find the Weight Room Light!

While you are at it, pick you out a nice rock.

IKEA once again finds the light and reads the note:

You have found the Weight Room Light!

Now choose wisely:

  1. A HIM will volunteer to Q the Wilderness on April 16
    1. That HIM gets to keep the light
    2. All PAX do 10x LO, 10x HI, and 10x FULL CURLS In Cadence
  2. No volunteers:
    1. Finder keeps the light
    2. All PAX do 5 sets of Rock Webs
    3. 1x Merkin, 4x shoulder press on the knees
    4. Repeato for 2&8, 3&12, 4&16, 5&20. 
    5. And the COLT 45=15x LO, 15x Hi, 15x Full Curls

Ultraman takes this one and will be your Q on 4/16.  At every location, A HIM has stepped up to Q!  YHC was really impressed!  We didn’t even need a choice B.

When A or B is done, read the following:

Mosey back to the Tree of Life (front of club house)

Find the Tree of Life Light! 

The light is found (I think it was IKEA again) and the last note is read:

You have found the Tree of Life Light!

Your reward is: now you have completed the Festival of Lights

And will be rewarded with:


And you can keep the light.  *party*


15x Low Flutters IC, 15x touch them heels IC,  10x Pretzel Crunch IC each side, 15x Suzanne Summers IC each side, Lo Pidgeon stretches, forward fold, (let all the water run off), then reverse swan dive up for

Recover, recover

Soggy Moleskin:

The tally for the HIMs that stepped up to Q this AM:

DieHard – Feb 27

TopGun – March 5, April 2 (always Q the 1st Thursday each month)

IKEA – March 12,

The Force – March 19

Amen – March 26

Toxic – April 9

Ultraman – April 16

Once again, I was really impressed the way everyone stepped up to Q with little or no hesitation.  Proud to workout with these men this morning.  They took on the gloom with style and made the most of it.  Good times had by all. 

And the hard stuff didn’t come down for a while.  *twss*

TG sends,

