The Filthy-Fifty Pain Clock & PorkRind

What does a Pork Rind have to do with the Filthy Fifty Pain Clock?  Good question.  Phil Davis was given his nickname Pork Rind at his second poist which happened to be the first running of the Filthy Fifty of 2016.  Here's how it went down:


Side Straddle Hop x 20 In Cadence (IC)

Apolo Ohno x 20 IC

Imperial Storm Trooper x 20 IC

Crabbawockeez x 20 IC

Warm up lap around the track of the lower tier of Richard Barry Park

Mosey to the Track


Filthy Fifty Pain Clock:

Circle up in the Front Leaning Rest (FLR) position in the center of the Football/Soccer Field.  The track is an oval "Clock".  When the Q calls out the exercise, the Pax run to the called out "hour" marker and perform 50 single count repetitions of the exercise called:

01:00 – Mountain Climber

02:00 – Little Baby Crunch

03:00 – The Dip (on the bleachers or sideline bench)

04:00 – Squat

05:00 – Side Straddle Hop

06:00 – 'Merican

07:00 – Backward Lunge

08:00 – Freddy Mercury

09:00 – Plank Jack

10:00 – Mason Twist

11:00 – Carolina Dry Dock

12:00 – Line Jump

Mosey to the cinder blocks

Full Curl x 10

Shoulder Press x 10

Tricep Extension x 10

8 Count Burner x 10


Box Cutters, Crunchy Frogs, WWII Sit-Ups, Shoulder Tocuh 'Mericans 


It was my first time working out with Candy and Izzy as they usually post during the week.  It was great to meet them and hope to continue to see them at the Estate where we offer an additional 15 minutes of exercises for no additonal charge.

Tantrum gets the credit for dubbing Philip Davis "Pork Rind".  While Freedom put the emotinal headlock (EH) on Philip, he was conspicuosly absent at his second post instead focusing on providing expert consulting skills to the #QR4 event.  Anyhoo… the pax diligently peppered Mr Davis with questions about where he is from and what he does for a living.  When we found out he is a man of many talents but that his main focus is proving nutrition services, your humble correspondent asked for a name with some irony. Tantrum did not disspoint.

I truly enjoy posting at The Estate as this is the Area of Operation that got me hooked on F3.  I am honored to be the current master Q of such a great AO and hope to continue to attract new guys who are looking for the life changing experience that F3 brings as well as bringing challenging workouts to those veterans who continue to grow in fitness, fellowship and faith.

Respectfully submitted,

The Professor