Great opportunity to bring back Mad Scientist today as Omega and YHC needed a crowd-friendly and preferably covered AO for this Final Four QvQ matchup.  Despite converging to an unofficial AO location (Night Ranger was considered but scheduled/obligations did not allow for it), some pull-backs of a couple PBs at other AOs and the forecast, 34 pax including the 2 Qs dodged all the curveballs and made it to DPK Deck where memories of Mad Scientist, lab coats, safety glasses and beatdowns filled the air.  Here’s what got concocted in the lab today:

0528, a decent handful of pax had arrived, fist-bumps were made and Omega pulled on a ski mask that most certainly put the 3 females walking in the deck at ease as loud men swarmed around them.

0529-0531, the pax count doubles and now we’re ready for a duel!  Omega takes off up the ramp while YHC shouts, “Omega’s not a professional” and the workout had begun.

Circle up at the turn (by door/level #2 of the deck) for the warm-o-rama which consisted of SSHs x 32, ISTs x 16, something x 8 and Bobby Hurley’s (?) x 4.  Nice nod to the bracket as Omega would attempt to get Scrappy’s vote. 

Omega would have the pax partner up for a series of partner 1 AMRAP exercises at the base of the ramp while partner 2 quadrophelia’ed up the ramp then regular moseyed back, flapjack, then the next exercise.  These kept all the pax moving and working and somehow there were no collisions along the way.  

Next Omega shifted the pax to the stairs but kept the theme of partner 1 AMRAP, partner 2 stairs, flapjack.  Simple and effective for the crowd, and AGAIN somehow there were no collisions in the stairwell.

Great plan, great exercises and strong start-to-finish execution by Omega this morning.  At 5:52:30 he would turn it over to YHC.

YHC would take the pax to the 2nd to last door of the stairwell (mini-Q-fail for a moment while YHC went to the very top before realizing it’s raining up there and that’s NOT where we want to be!).  When the pax emerged from the stairs they were greeted by YHC and not 1, not 2, but THREE big, long, thick, black… ropes whipped out and waiting for them.  But the pax would not get their hands on them just yet.  First, YHC had a couple rounds of pain in mind.

YHC would give instructions and break the pax into groups/teams of 4.


Partners 1,2 do NINE 10-count Body Baggers then mosey down the ramps until they run into partners 3 and 4.  Then all 4 partners run back up the deck to the start.  Meanwhile, partners 3,4 have gone down the stairs and in the basement have done NINE Helping Hand each arm then began to make their way up the ramps, eventually running into partners 1,2.

When all 4 are back at the top, flapjack.  When all 4 partners return with round 1 fully complete, do Suzanne Somers while we await the return of all pax.


Partners 1,2 do NINE Partner Hand-Touch Merkins then mosey down the ramps until they run into partners 3 and 4.  Then all 4 partners run back up the deck to the start.  Meanwhile, partners 3,4 have gone down the stairs and in the basement have done NINE Jump Squats then began to make their way up the ramps, eventually running into partners 1,2.

When all 4 are back at the top, flapjack.  When all 4 partners return with round 1 fully complete, do Hip Dips while we await the return of all pax.

MW3Rs:  (Mary With 3 Ropes)

1 pax on each rope, thus 3 pax on ropes at a time while the rest of the pax does a Mary exercise that YHC calls in cadence, save for when YHC would call for the J-L0.  Amen stepped in here for the cadence.

Mary exercises were The T-up (YHC found that in F3 Nashville), The Pretzel Crunch, The Jacknife LBC, J-Lo and V-Ups.  If that’s all we got, 5 Mary exercises times 3 pax on ropes means only 15 pax out of 34 hit the ropes.  Error noted.

The MadSci Moleskine:

Noting the nod to Scrappy by Omega during Warm-O-Rama, YHC felt luck on my side when Omega called for us to partner up and Scrappy was at my side.  YHC would compliment his form and speed for the next 5 mins as his partner on the rampwork. 

NINE is an easy number for YHC to remember, but not a quick or easy number of helping hands to do.  Many were just completing those when their other 2 partners found them at the bottom of the deck. YHC’s error has been noted.

T-Claps to Ping for lending me a couple of his battle ropes.  Still could’ve used a couple more as we didn’t have time for all pax to get their hands on our big, long, thick, black…  ropes.

Omega turned down the opportunity to use his smaller, shorter, thinner, purple… rope in front of the pax. #stagefright

YHC knows Ultraman loves the V-up so the plan was to have him call cadence for that exercise when YHC got to it on the list.  What are the chances that UM was holding YHC’s big, long, thick, black… rope when YHC called his name for cadence?  Good enough, it seems.  YHC called the cadence.

Fun workout and another T-Claps to The Champ, Omega.  He didn’t just bring it today – he’s been bringing it for years.  The Cinderella Story continues………

