The Final Week of IPC: MaryAnne’s Mayhem

  • Rep-based workout
  • Set the timer for 52 minutes 30 seconds
  • Measure out 25 yards

Exercises are to be done in sets of 25 reps. After completing 25 reps, run to the cone that is 25 yards away and do 3 burpees. After the 3 burpees, run back and continue with exercise.


  • 200 curls
  • 175 squats
  • 150 Overhead Press
  • 125 Kettlebell Swings
  • 100 Merkins
  • 75 Thrusters
  • 50 Bonnie Blairs (right leg-left leg = 1 rep)
  • 25 Blockees

If you finish all of the exercises, repeat in reverse order from the last time you just did it.

The burpees DO NOT count in your rep count.?


  • Prayers up to Fescue and his family. Ditka is collecting money via Venmo to help cover expenses for the family over the coming months. If you're interested in donating, please contribute to @travis-moore-52 and put "Fescue" in the "What's it for?" box.
  • The father of one of my daughter's friend passed away very suddenly last week. His name was Dan Baker and he's left behind two young daughters, 4 and 2. Consider donating to his family to help ease the burden of this sudden loss:

Thanks to those who completed any of the workouts these last 5 weeks. They all sucked but we are all better for it. This wraps up IPC of 2021. Next week, Dragon Slayer is back in business. with Jobe at the helm. Until then – CB
