The First Ever F3 Officially Sanctioned* Cannonball Contest at NightRanger

Disclaimer – The views of the author do not represent F3. I'm only writing this so I don't get fined. F3 barely has rules let alone sanctioned events. 

2ndF Attendees – CarpetBagger, Swanson

Now that High School lacrosse season has completed, YHC has returned to regular duties of delivering weight based beat downs to the PAX in case we ever have a Ron Burgundy style fight with cross-fit, F45 or burn boot camp. The pre-blast included a promised 2nd F event in the form of a judged cannonball contest.

Here is the story of what went down at the House of Rule Pool:

Warm O'Rama

  • Circle up
  • SSH X15 IC
  • 10 Slow Down 'Mericans
  • Peter Parkers X5 OYO
  • Shoulder stretches

Thee Main Thang

  • Like Covid19 in Michigan we did a little variant of Tabata (F Michigan?  Too soon?)
  • Partner up for the exercises
  • Each station was set up for 2 exercises 
  • Each partner does one exercise for 1 minute, and then switch exercises with no rest
  • So – we exercise for two minutes AMRAP and then get 1 minute rest


Partner 1

Partner 2

Cinder block, 50 lb dumbell

8 Count Man Maker

8 Count Man Maker

1 – 35 lb. weight plate

Weighted Sit up w/ press pass    

Squat and Press

2 – 25/30 dumbbells

Single Leg Lunge and Arm Curl

Single Leg Lunge and Arm Curl

35 lb. plates


Pool lap with overhead plate

KB/Plyo Box

Sidestep up w/kb pass

Sidestep up w/kb pass

Jum Ropes

Jump rope

Jump Rope

45/45/25 lb plates

2 plate chest press 

Skull crusher

Ropes and resistance

Battle Ropes

Back pulls with resistance

30/40 slam, 20 lb SPRI


V Up crunch

Weigh vest

Al Gore

Bear crawl through pool

Ten Rounds of exercises resulted in 30 minutes of exercise so we called recover…. AND …

The First Ever Officially Sanctioned F3 Cannonball contest was held – here are how the events unfolded in the last 8 minutes of the workout:

  • We cozied the Plyo Box next to the edge of the pool
  • The rules were clear – 2 toys were required for scoring – the Box counted as 1
  • 3 attempts allowed – scoring was undefined
  • YHC went first and the 45 lb plate was too much to handle and loss the handle – that attempt was DQ'd
  • Pitstop tried a Jump Rope Cannonball and was unsuccessful.   
  • Crocs ripped a most excellent cannonball using the 20 lb SPRI body ball (well played)
  • Something made a valiant effort with a jack knife attempt
  • Goodlife stepped up and dropped a rock solid ball
  • Jaws went old school and hammered a good one
  • Camelback passed
  • Slingshot, Mojito and Cherrybomb opted for safety
  • Round 2 saw more entrants and challenges
    • As the clear leader Crocs went with degrees of difficulty
    • Pitstop was bound and determined to finish the jump rope effort
    • YHC went for a sadly disappointing splat effect by doing a back whopper 
  • The tension built to Round 3 where contestants chose pizza and liquid refreshments over cannonballs
  • With the last jump of the night, PitStop pulled a MaryLou Retton and nailed 3 rotations of the jump rope while landing the cannonball with a fantastic splash
  • Pitstop is your 1st Officially Certified F3 *medal* Cannonball Champion

The Nekked Man MoleSkin

  • Pizza boxes with pizza grease burn extremely well. 
  • YHC brough High Noon Vodka Selters and attempted to hype them to anyone who would listen
  • Swanson and Goodlife are exchanging Indian wives?  Nope…just numbers. Nevermind
  • I swear that Cherrybomb said that he had waffle house in his mouth, but apparently they were waffle fries (same same)
  • Jaws flashed a little Philly 'tude with some well timed zingers on Goodlife
  • Cherrybomb and Slingshot probably won the award for best efforts on weights as they crushed the exercises
  • Based on the plyo box exercises, Crocs and I have legit chances to be on Dancing With the Stars
  • Creatine is the supplement of the month, but steroids aren't cool (unless its a quick cycle for a road race)
  • Running and silly season is about to amp up.  Stay hydrated everyone..