The First Forty-Eight

13 Pax total including Tin Man and one more…

Actaully, 12 pax arrived early for the AES and 1 arrived with 15 minutes left in the workout!

Warmup included SSH, squat, imp wlkr, lunge, side lunge, pushups, stretching, then ran to the IB School.

IB School: The First Forty-Eight 

12 pullups, run, 12 burpees, run, 12 pushups, run, 12 squats, run…repeato X4 rounds for 48 reps total of each exercise.

Mid-way Mary: LBC, HTH, Low Flutter, then run to DUMC

DUMC: Partner Pavers – partner 1 does paver burpees while partner 2 runs to dumpster…repeato 3X each.

Paver exercises (2 sets X10 in cadence, with dumpster run in btn):  Curls, Press, Bent over Row, Paver Merkins, Squats, Skullcrushers, Lat pull-overs.

Out of Time, back to Green

COT:  Prayers were lifted up for many pax and families/friends struggling during this holiday season.


Duvall started out by telling us that pull-ups had been banned for the week by the central planning committee of the TPR.  However, I told him we could go ahead as long as we did them under the cover of darkness! 

Of course Duvall and Spanarkel stayed together the entire workout…they might have been scheming on a way to report me to the authorities.

3-Way, Palin, Fidel, Gabby, Shakespeare…all these guys Larry Birded me on The First Forty-Eight!  I think I need to pick it up!

Tin Man kicks like an angry mule when he is doing pull-ups!  Look out if you are anywhere near him!  Also, has anyone heard Bullwinkle's midwife noises (see F3Nation Lexicon) during his pull-ups?  I think neighbors were calling the police to investigate.

Crude arrives late, modifies, instructs and leaves early.  He is taking his mantra "F3 is not (just) a workout group!" to heart.

Canuck makes me laugh because even in his mid-fifties he still asks questions like a little kid –  so don't try to get by with any half-a$$ed instructions.  Q must be literal or you find yourself answering Canuck's inquiries while the Pax rests! #delaytactics

Thanks as always for the opportunity to lead.