The First True Grit Backblast of 2016

Event Date

Jan 02, 2016

3 men of Isotope posted on the first "real" winter morning of 2016 and were better for it.  Starting temp of 33 degrees required a bit of a warmup mosey to get the blood flowing, then the fun began. (all exercises done in cadence)



  • SSH x 20
  • Merkins x 20
  • IST x 20
  • Diamond Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 20
  • Wide Merkins x 15
  • Lunge x 20

The Workout:

Four corners of the parking lot about 100 yds between each corner.

  • 10 overhand pullups, run to next corner
  • 20 merkins, run to next
  • 30 LBCs, run to next
  • 40 side lunges, run to starting corner
  • 10 underhand pullups, run to corner
  • 20 man-maker merkins, run to corner
  • 30 flutter kicks, run to corner
  • 40 squats, run to corner

Grab a cinder block

  • Step ups on block x 20
  • Side hops over block x 20
  • Overhead press x 10
  • Right arm row x 10
  • Left arm row x 10
  • Chest press x 10
  • Tri press x 10
  • Curl x 10
  • Repeato


  • Low Dolly x 20
  • Rosalita x 20
  • Homer to Marge
  • Elbow plank


  • Thanks to Ty Webb and Country Club for making the effort to post for this workout.  Numbers dwindle for this workout as the temps get colder.  Good work by both, as expected.
  • Glad to hear everyone had a safe and happy holiday.  Sounds like Ty Webb will be sporting some new fashions and Country Club will have the whole family competing at the next Battle Frog.  No wonder they can afford to sponsor bowl games.

Every time that I post, I'm reminded that it is an honor and privilege to be part of this group.  Thank you gentlemen.
