The Five and Dime…..and a Few Other Things…..

Well, The Glen was gifted with an exceptional display of Race City loyals, Kotters, and Newbies today.  Cheesewiz was there as well, but not on this WS yet, the FNG's will be discussed in the Moleskine, and #thestandard was run by Contra, Frosty, Strutter, Six Shooter, Shambala, Crack and Loveshack, rucked by Lear and Deep End.  Twenty men, including 2 FNG's, were at the COT, solid numbers for The Glen. The grounds were also accompanied by some disc golfers there for a tournament beginning at 9, here's how The Glen unfolded on this fine day:

Warm Ups: The Pledge (led by Lear), IC- SSH 20, IST 15, CP's 10, WM's 10, Mericans 10, Heel Slappers 15, Squats 15.  Mozy to bottom of hill behind baseball field #1 for..

Five and Ten.  Five bear crawls up the hill, round a wooden stump, crab walk back down to Ten Mericans.  It was lovely.  

Iron chair against fence to gather, then bang out 10 Peter Parkers during balls to the wall.  

Mozy to netted batting cage.  Suicides to each of the five vertical posts making up the facility.

Mozy to the F3 funded and Parks and Rec provided pull up bars.  3 sets of 5 each of pull-ups, burpees, R/L sitouts.

On small wall near swings, D&D (dips and declines) IC 10, 8, 6. 

Mozy to rock pile near soccer field #1, grab a 'rock to impress your big brother'.  Circle, Rocks go down to ground, up to abs, mil press, then back down (clean and press?).  15, 10, 5 with 5 burpees after each set. Curls, Skull Crushers, Mil presses, IC 12, 10, 8.  Plank (forward leaning rest) in b/t sets.  Return rocks.  Head to steps.

Up steps by two feet, one foot, other foot.  Mozy to parking area.

Mary (IC): Plinko led Lower Flutter 20, R/L elbow to knee 10 each, Cupcake led LBC's 50, Crack led Box Cutters and Cutter boxes, 20 and 10 respectively, Recover, recover.


-War Daddy was Lear, War Baby was FNG Matt 

-FNG1 is Matt, outta Bourne, MA (near Cap Cod), drives a truck for JB Hunt, Iraq War Vet, and serves in the National Guard.  He was thanked for his service and has a wicked cool Mass accent.  

-FNG2 is Lee, outta CA, worked for Davidson College for 27 years, two daughters and used to train lifeguards.

-GREAT to see Senator back in action, as well as huge numbers at The Glen with many faithful hitting #thestandard first.  

-Straight Cash Homie pointed out that the 'forward leaning rest' was not really 'rest'.  Astute observation from one of the most 'in shape' men in F3RCUSA… such, Mr. Straight Cash, YHC did not reckon you actually 'needed' the 'rest'.

-The step jumps sucked, clear and simple.  

-Sit-outs and heel slappers continue to be scorned, mocked, and avoided.  These exercises will continue to be added into each and every Q until they are no longer scorned, mocked, or avoided.

-Exceptional Coffeeteria attended by most from the COT!  Panera ran out of the Dark Roast…….again.

-Modification is acceptable and encouraged when you are 'tapped'.  YHC modifies frequently during posts, just not on YHC's.  If you can't Q it, don't do it.  Somehow, knowing what's coming and altering the workout as it is flowing allows the Q to lead the Pax.

-For some reason, there is an 'extra energy' the comes when Q'ing a post.  YHC has no idea why.

-It is always a pleasure and a honor to lead such a distinguished group of gentlemen.