The Flatlands

Event Date

Sep 11, 2018


With the conclusion of the BRR this past weekend and the weather forecast, I wasn't sure what kind of turnout we would have at Fartlek today. I was impressed to see that 7 HIM chose to leave the comfort of their fartsacks and join YHC on a run in the soup today. While we had no rain and the temperature was in the low 70's the humidity was thick. 

Taking into consideration that many just finished putting in some tough miles this weekend at the BRR, I choose a route that would be relatively flat w/ many options for less miles than the 10K that was offered. 

Per Strava the total elevation gain was 180 ft over 10K. This is probably as flat as it gets on a non track route in this area for that kind of distance. So mission accomplished. 

Forrest & Frogger were Pace Bullies right from the start which caused YHC to abandon any idea of having a nice EZ run today. Instead I put in a Tempo run just to keep those boys in sight so I could shout out directions to them so they could enjoy their EZ run (ha ha). My body felt it after the run as my lower back was killing me and my right knee was a little tender. Felt good during the run it was just post run that my body felt it. 

One thing I learned today was that Forrest isn't human. The dude runs Ultras/100 Milers and during those runs will consume up to 7 or more burgers. No gel packs for him, show him the beef. God bless. 

I am sure there was some other good mumble chatter today, but since I was trying to keep up with the Pace Bullies I missed out. Please post to the comments section if you have something you want to share.

As today is 9-11 let's never forget the lives lost and those that were impacted by those events that day. Please continue to pray for those that put on the uniform each and every day to protect us and our freedoms. 

On a side note please keep my M (Jennifer) in your thoughts and prayers. We had good news recently letting us know she was authorized to be put on the transplant recipient list (kidney & pancreas). We are anxiously awaiting finding a living donor (kidney) soon. We were told this could take anywhere from 6 months to a year or longer to find a donor. 

Good run by all today. As always YHC enjoyed the opportunity to lead such a fine group. 

