The FNG might be a cyborg

Event Date

Oct 15, 2016

It was a cool Saturday morning with attendance expected to be light at Excelsior because many runners were at The Bourbon Chase and other races.  Was looking forward to a double down with Professor, as YHC had the Q at Excelsior and he had the Q at The Estate; and rarely do the stars align like that.

We were joined by an FNG from my neighborhood in Carrington Ridge.  He was EH'd after a bike ride, but doesn't remember the person who EH'd him.  Sound off if you know!  His name is Franz and he seemed fit, proved to be fit over the next 2 hours (spoiler alert: all 3 of us doubled down), and almost received an F3 name later to reflect that fitness.  Almost!  26-Oct-2016 Note:  "Choppa" now added to the PAX list, so I've added him to this Backblast even though we was still technically an FNG…but only for 1 hour after this!

Here is roughly what went down:

0603:  A bit of a late start.  After all this is an FNG + Professor rolling in hot.  We ran towards Jim Kidd road.  Took a quick detour left on Kennerly Dr.  At the Gazebo in that neighborhood we did:   

  • Dips x 12 IC
  • Derkins x 12 IC

Completed a circle in that neighborhood, then we made our way out to the rock on Jim Kidd road for:

  • Low Flutters x 15 IC
  • LBCs x 15 IC

Then we ran all the way back to the start and did:

  • 30 second plank with Right arm up, then left arm up
  • Shoulder Touch Mericans x 10 IC

Recover, recover.  Total distance was 4.19 miles according to my Garmin, link below:


  1. We covered 4.19 miles, with 3 pain stations, and Franz had absolutely no problem keeping up.  Then, we didn't have to twist his arm at all to stay for 7 AM!
  2. I won't spoil Professor's "The Estate" backblast, where you can read Franz's F3 name.  YHC offered up "T100" (btw, he is also Austrian like Arnold) but I think we settled on something even cooler.  Great work Franz, really impressive for your first day!
  3. Professor, always a pleasure working hard with you on a Saturday.  I'm still sore Saturday night as I type this from your beat down at The Estate.