The Force Calls an Audible

YHC was wide awake at 4am with high  excitement about an opportunity for a Virgin Q at The Sword on the hallowed grounds of Lake Forest Church.  Appropriately named “The Sword”, a pre-blast was tweeted on Sunday with a reference to Hebrews 4:12 which provided biblical context to The Sword:  ”For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”.  16 Strong hard-charging warriors chose to start their week off with a mix of cardio and strength training.

Here’s a general summary of what went down after YHC provided a brief disclaimer encouraging each man to focus only on himself and pay no attention to the man in front of him or beside him throughout the workout  (In other words, BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF)

A long mosey around the parking lot with a small stretch towards the end with Frankenstein kicks and lunges were performed before the PAX would circle up on the grassy and dew covered knoll in the center of the parking lot.

PAX would perform the typical warm-a-rama including IST’s, Windmill, Carrot Puller, Mountain Climber and for good measure, a Soprano-sized dosage of SSH x 100 IC.   A few mobility moments were thrown in as well.

Mosey around the parking lot again stopping at the pull up bar area where each PAX would retrieve 2 Cinder Blocks.  A few sets of incline merkins and dips were performed on the cinder blocks and YHC recalls 5 burpees being thrown in somewhere along the way. 

Mosey around the parking lot again stopping near the church building where Rocky Balboa’s and uneven curb merkins would be performed.  

Mosey again towards the back of the parking lot where the PAX would gather at their respective cinder blocks.  YHC began to call out another set of Merkins but gladly deferred to a special request by The Force who pleaded for some pull-ups.  Great audible brother and happy to oblige on that!  PAX would alternate between pull-ups and air squats performing 3 sets of each.  

PAX would also performed block curls, bent over rows, and shoulder presses.

Somewhere along the way we also performed a farmer’s carry with 2 cinder blocks by walking the short loop around the pull-up bars.

PAX would mosey back to our original starting point for 10 6 count burpees IC followed by low flutter.

Recover Recover


  • YHC applauds “The Audible” by The Force requesting pull-ups instead of another round of merkins.  This actually helped balance out what was going to be a heavy merkin workout and pull-ups are the perfect compliment to merkins as doing both hits the push AND pull muscles.  Thank you brother and YHC hopes this is a reminder that pull ups are perhaps the hardest yet one of the most important exercises we can do. 
  • Happy to see Talking Heads and Phoenix (YHC’s 2.0) connecting the night before and holding each other accountable to hitting select AO’s the last couple of weeks as they are neighbors on the same street.  
  • Huge T-Claps to all those PAX who competing at the Huntersville Half
  • Special prayers for Carpet Bagger who just lost his mother, Ultraman who’s mother is declining in health, and The Force’s mom who is battling health issues.  
  • Don’t Forget The Convergence on December 17 at Mighty Jungle for the annual Cookie Q.  Seriously this is a “can’t miss” event as YHC was there last year and came home with some delicious treats and a great way to support Olive and Operation Sweet Tooth.
  • Stoked for Phoenix  to finally meet Popcorn (been anticipating that for a while).  YHC heard a little chatter that they may be at the Cauldron together!
  • Mr. Holland is leading the NM HS Orchestra Tuesday night…go support him if you’re able.
  • Operation Sweet Tooth gift wrapping is Tuesday night at Lost Worlds Brewery….go support Olive and OST if you’re able!

Love you guys and always an honor and privilege to lead in the gloom!

Humbly in Christ 
