The Force Is Strong With This One-YHC’s Attempt To Honor A Fallen Brother

Also included, Stapler, Implants and "Bailey Come"

My original plan was to Q Fission last Thursday.  However, due to some intoxicating herbs, Hippie neglected to see my message and asked if I could rendezvous today instead.  YHC obliged.

The news of brother Cheech’s passing has certainly hit the F3 and FiA community and it has been awe inspiring on how everyone has come together, in solidarity to offer support to Rupunzel, their 2.0s, family, friends and the young lady involved in the accident.  I requested that the Pax go #sleevelesswithCheech, wear Steelers gear or wear Star Wars gear.   I know I can never do enough but I wanted to do a little something in his honor. For the Pax who posted with me today, I hope you got my message.

520 roll into the parking lot of 131 Main and probably do an F3 first…

Planted The Sweet Tooth Shovel Flag and… A Kylo Ren Lightsaber in honor of Cheech.

Head back to the Pax, exchange pleasantries. Watch Hippie rip off his sleeves, his herbs must be laced!  Okay enough of that. 

Mosey to the flag.

Pledge of Allegiance

Prayer for Cheech

Warm O Rama

Imperial Storm Troopers x15 IC


Wind Mill x15 IC

Toy Soldier x15 IC

Cotton Pickers x15 IC

At this point, I talked about how the Pax have come together across the country, just like they/you did for me May of last year (and continue to do so).  When tragedy strikes, it is a forgone conclusion that our shields lock, we band together in solidarity.  I learned that Cheech was a man of God, lived 3rd, deacon at his Church, ran Youth Ministry, loved his family, friends, the Steelers, Star Wars and Disney.  I explained that he was a MAN we should all aspire to be…and in his memory, I will make men of us today.


Man Maker Burpees as known in the obstacle racing world…or 8 count body builders.

We do these together…in my cadence…38 of them in honor of his age. (And let me tell you, calling out an 8 count cadence 38 times in a row sucks…just saying).

After 19, called 10 second count to catch breaths…explained that life only gets harder as you go…you need to get stronger and push

After 30, Omega strategically placed his dog Bailey in front of me to sneak an extra 5 count.

Done at 38

Not sure if 5 minutes of burpees or 38 8 Count body Builders are worse…will find out next Q…#showtoknow

Mosey to the corner of Oakhurst and Bailey Road.


At an intersection…want to be mindful.

Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery

So I journeyed down to The Fort last week for their convergence in honor of Cheech.  It had a great message, one I did not sure but one I have certainly been living by.  But they also had 1 of 3 great workouts.  One that kept me, Blue Hair and Mission Impossible wining at the office on Monday that stairs were a struggle.  Thought to myself, the Pax of LKN needed to see what they missed.

Partner up for Dora

P1 quadrophilia up Oakhurst to last tree/light post.

P2 WWII situps

Total of 100

P1 Quadrophilia

P2 Squats

Total 200

P1 Quadrophilia (if you can by now)

P2 Jump Squats

Thank you WhatDid for this sneaky good and awful exercise.  T Claps!

I can surely attest to the moans and groans heard from the Pax…especially once the jump squats started.  Heard from Landline “Olive, I don’t say BS at all…but this is BS!” Makes me think I am getting my reputation back? 

Omega “Are we done with legs?”

Yes…  Um hmmmm

Hey Omega…”I lied”

Next exercise…A Mini Me Favorite…the Monkey Humper x20 IC  Oh baby feel the burn.  Shake em out boys.

Head over to the bars.

Left leg calf raise x15 IC

Right leg calf raise x15 IC

Australian Pull Up x10 IC

Derkin x10 IC

Mosey back to lot


YHC had the 6 while Omega lead

LBCs x20 IC ?

Merkins x20 IC (because we did not do any???)

YHC ended with X’s and O’s x 3 IC

Recover Recover



Q School

Brew Ruck

Possible 4th of July Convergence???

I took us out in prayer.  Prayers for Cheech, Rupunzul, 2.0s Jack and Rylee, Mom and Dad, siblings, family and friends, Becca Laird, Lexington and everyone he touched.  Prayers for T Square and the Gambil family as this is the one year anniversary of their daughter’s passing.

I had a trunk full of Steelers jerseys, bandannas, Terrible Towels to make sure all the boys looked good.  Unfortunately…there was a Steelers mutiny…and not many would dare touch the majestic material of the greatest football team ever.   SMH

My Moleskin

Mortality:  It might be on everyone’s mind as of late due to the recent passing of brother Cheech.  It has been on my mind since my daughter, Christina, AKA Sweet Tooth ascended to Heaven last year.  To this day I still ask WHY her?  Today I ask WHY Cheech?  WHY Dipstick? Why T-Square’s daughter?  Why Papa Smurf?  So on and so on.  Well the truth is we will ever know.  God’s plan?  Maybe?  Things happen for a reason?  Could be.  Bad things happen to good people?  There is some truth to it.  At the end of the day, we are all left with questions as to WHY.  And newsflash, you will never get that answer.  But I don’t know about you, but for me…I will always be asking that question.  WHY?  Sounds stupid right?  I just said we will always have questions and never have answers but I am going to keep asking?  (Insert definition of insanity). 

During the convergence in The Fort last Saturday, it was talked about how Cheech lived with purpose, he was intentional.  He lived 3rd.  God, Family then himself.  He was devoted to his Church, he was Youth Minister, a family man and a brother.  He made each day count even though we would all agree his days where not enough. By all accounts, he did everything right. But with life and death, you just never know.  I certainly didn’t.  I would like to think that up until his final day, Cheech had no regrets whatsoever. 

On the other hand, I have regrets that maybe I should have done more.  I like to think that I was a good Father to Christina and Michael and that we did have wonderful experiences and time together.  But by my account…it was not enough, not only because she is no longer here, but I could have had more if I had lived with purpose…knew my reason WHY.  I had to learn the hard way that every second is precious. I should have spent time with her when she wanted to teach me Minecraft but I rarely did…I did not understand it.  But the times I did, it gave her so much joy.  How many of Michael’s baseball games have I missed because I “needed” to run a Spartan Race?  Probably too many.  I was not living third.  I was not living 2nd.  I was living ME. I was missing purpose. And there is not a day goes by that I don’t regret it. 

My challenge to anyone reading this and to myself.  Don’t have regret.  Live the life like Cheech did but live your WHY!  Live 3rd.  Own every second of the day.  Never take life for granted because it is too precious and it can be over in the blink of an eye.  Challenge yourself to find the WHY within you.  Make each day, hour and second count.  Don’t live a life for Me…live a life for YOU.  What can I do for YOU?  How can I help YOU?  How does this benefit YOU? 

Lastly, I cannot express my admiration and complete appreciation of what F3 offers.  I think the outpouring of support for that this Nation provides to all those who ask for prayers, need help and need to be carried is truly inspirational.  I know that I would not be standing…(or sitting here typing this BB for the past 6 hours because I can really put my thoughts into words) without F3 and FiA.  I have a feeling that I am probably not alone.  Continue to embrace your brothers, when you are having a difficult time, reach out…someone will listen.  Someone will help.  We are here for each other, to sharpen each other’s iron, to lock shields together because there is strength in numbers.  Life will only get harder, and like we say, the workouts don’t get easier, we only get stronger.  It helps to have others give you their strength.  Embrace it!

I know it wasn’t much, but I hope I honored Cheech and that he would have been proud of the beat down!  May The Force Be With You…Always- Pull some strings from above for 7 is Heaven!  Here We Go Steelers, Here We Go!

Own Every Second.  Live Life.  Never Take Anything For Granted.  All to Be One Day Closer.


Humbly Yours,
