5 leaders of the Rebellion (yes we are the Rebel Alliance that brought Dragon Slayer to the outer rim; leaving the Resistance to do OTB) landed at the outpost under a full moon resembling the Death Star.
This is how the force was awakened……….
- Lap around the parking lot to get the blood flowing
- SSH x 15ic
- Windmill x 10ic
- and of course Imperial Storm Troopers x 10ic
The thang:
- Kettlebells to the outdoor gym for some circuit work. 5 stations – KB Curls, KB Skullcrushers, KB Overhead Press, KB Squats, Pull ups or rows, Run a lap
- Repeato x 3
- To the field.
- Bear crawl across one field, lung walk the next. Dips x 15ic on bleachers. Bear crawl across one field, lung walk the next. Incline merkins x 10ic on bleachers
- Repeato
- Mary
- LBC x 15ic, Freddy Mercury x 15ic, Dynamic planking – middle, left arm up, +leg up, middle, right arm up, +leg up – 30 seconds each, Mountain Climber x 15 ic
- COP happened
Mandalorian moleskin:
- Our pax was graced with two fly bye’s today from Caboose pax. 9 Live and Hippie stopped to celebrate Star Wars day with some IST’s in warmorama. The Hall Monitor brought the rest of the pax by for some mumblechatter and a much needed break during the workout. Many thanks for the visit guys.
- Prayers for Cobra’s mother and the extended family
- Slingshot told some tales of the 50K trail race. He didn’t look any worse for the wear and may have SC’d to another one. All I know is that if your knee is killing you at mile 20 and you finish a 36 mile race, you have a pain cave so deep it needs its own zip code.
- Thank you to AM-PM for his MQ leadership and affording me the opportunity to try and lead this morning.
- What I learned today: During Mary we called an exercise that Pool Boy didn’t know the name of (Freddie Mercury which he and all other sane people call Bicycle). He gave it a sec to see what the move was and then dove right in. Later when it got to his turn to call a Mary exercise he immediately called one; but wasn’t sure of the command sequence to get us started (ie starting position move, in cadence, exercise). Immediately asked for clarification and then jumped in, leading. Two things I learned:
- I remembered in our early years you frequently heard some pax say “can you give a demonstration?” if they didn’t know the exercise. Or the Q would keep a watchful eye as he started to make sure everyone was with him and if not, then he’d recognize it and give an instruction to bring all pax along together. I don’t hear much asking for a demonstration, but I know we have new pax. We all could use a reminder to keep an open eye for that. Today was a Q fail as YHC didn’t do that. I’ve learned now.
- But the biggest thing I learned was that Pool Boy didn’t let any of it stop him. He had an eagerness to figure it out and get going. So be a Pool Boy. Be that guy who doesn’t let ambiguity get in the way and give you an excuse to stop or not participate.