The Foundry Embrace The Sprints

The Thang:

Warmorama: 20 SSH, 15 ISS, 15 Windmill, 15 Toy solider, 15 Carrot Pullers, 10 Merkins

Pullup bars Partner Up:

10 burppes, 10 pullups flapjack then 25 situps while partner planks and holds feet

Parking Lot Weave:

2 wave of sprints across each lane then 20 mekins Repeato 5 times

Each wave narrow down the winners to have fine 4 run the last sprint (no winner declared to close to call)

Monkey Bars:

3 totalTrips through the bars

Partner 1 complete 10 block curls then zamperini, Partner 2 moves through the dip bars 2x then flapjack

Mosey back to pull up bars:

Repeato of burpees, pullups, situps

Mosey to long side of the lot:

2 waves of sprints down to the cross walk

Peoples Chair then balls to the wall followed by 20 merkins


20 LBC, DonHo called flutters then HOLD IT! follow by a little more…


  • Thanks to DH for the opportunity to lead these men!
  • Great support by the PAX, especially Apache from Rockhill who kept pushing for more
  • Mumble Chatter was kept to a minimum, I take that as a good sign
  • Good to see the medically repaired Synder out in the gloom again
  • Gray Ghost over delivered on the Standard at 4.5 miles getting us back at exactly 5:29am who needs a cool down before the beatdown anyway.