The Foundry Invades The Sharknado

The Foundry decided that your normal bootcamp on a Friday was not enough and instead took the entire AO to The Sharknado!  They invaded Middle Earth and were welcomed with the open arms of a swirling vortex of PAIN!!  Here is how it went down…

I gave some initial instruction for those who were new to the workout, and away we went.

Mosey to the corner of Holly Springs and Holly Springs

Sharknado!! (all exercises are single count)

  • 15 burpees
  • Run around park (approx 0.15 miles)
  • 20 diamond merkins
  • Run around park
  • 20 WWII sit-ups
  • Run around park
  • 20 merkins
  • Run around park
  • 20 scorpion dry-docks
  • Run around park

Total of 75 burpees, 100 diamond merkins, 100 WWII sit-ups, 100 merkins, 100 scorpion dry-docks, and 4 miles of running.

Mosey back to clubhouse for COT

Burnt Moleskin:

  • Elmers made sure safety was a high priority for all PAX given historical Sharknado dangers (and curbs)…
  • Bam Bam brought his #BeastMode as well as his music with Mumford and Sons playing for the entire Sharknado.  Definitely appreciated that as it helped to drown out the pain!
  • Pretty sure the car that was left running for 30+ minutes was warmed up
  • Ty Webb and Caboose blasted through this thing and basically finished it AND left early!  Great Job!
  • YHC was cursed out a few times by Tantrum as he lived up to his name and through a few minor fits throughout the workout.
  • Professor drove part of The Sharknado…  Definitely Bringing The Fun Back!!
  • Awesome Job out there by everyone who finished The Sharknado, those who pushed farther than they have in the past, and those attempting this for the first time!  Everyone worked hard out there.
  • Happy and humbled to be a part of such an amazing group of Men!!