The Foundry Is On Fire!

Heely was also present, but not in PAX database

Happy Friday Y'all

So I was only 3 min early and the PAX's were getting nervous and figuring out a back up plan. I call it just making an enterence. Or just dragging and tired. 

Warm Up

  • SSH
  • CP
  • TS
  • IST
  • 5 Burpees

The Thang

  • Partnered Up
  • 10 pull ups each (2nd round was full pull ups)
  • 30 full sit ups, partner hold feet
  • Repeto

Grabbed some blocks

  • 30 Decline Merkins
  • 5 Burpees
  • 1 sprint – lung back
  • 1 sprint – quadrophilia
  • 1 sprint – walk back
  • Repeato


  • 5 Burpees
  • LBC
  • Low flutter
  • 20 merkins
  • 30 curls
  • 20 should press
  • 20 carolina dry dock
  • 30 over head hand clap
  • 5 burpees
  • 5 full pull ups
  • 2 sprints 
  • Repeato


  • 10 burpees & lung hold (thanks uncle ricco, not call on you next time LOL)
  • pretzel crunch – caboose
  • WWII Sit ups – mona lisa
  • jane fonda (way to many) – swing state


First, hats off to rooter, I tried to give a good workout (I was sweating) but rooter laugh at me and went to the hang over. He is a stud. I was impressed at the effort that everyone gave. That had to put up with me fumbling and dropping the ball. Calling the wrong exercises. Let’s be honest, I didn't write this down ahead of time. Just way too much fun and easy to make it up as we go. So, I am pretty sure I am missing something, or the order is messed up. It was good to workout with some guys i don't bump into very often with billy bob and cavity. Super proud of tupak who did awesome on a tough 4th work out. I have to apologize to caboose for all the burpees, I did extra burpees because I know how much he loves them! 

I hope everyone has an awesome Start to a Holiday week, have fun and be safe. 

****I have the Q at the might jungle tomorrow, would love a huge crowd!

