The Four Corners of the Boat Launch Parking Lot

Event Date

May 16, 2024


5 men at Cobalt. Conditions were great outside of a little humidity. 


SSH X 15 IC, Windmills X 15 IC (Grip-led, Q somewhat approved…..form has been better), Cherry Pickers X 10 IC, Runners Lunge

Main Event

Tool Time made the decision to turn left out of clubhouse on the main road. Ran over to boat launch parking lot. Main set was 4 corners. 

1 – 5 X burpees

2 – 10 X merkins

3 – 15 X squats

4 – 20 X abs of choice 

Several times through. 

Gazebo set – 15 X derkins, 15 X step-ups, 15 X dips, 15 X abs of choice. 3X through

Indian run back to clubhouse parking lot. All she wrote. 2+ miles running


  • Tool Time back out for a Cobalt workout. Good to have you back even if we were your back-up option for the workout……
  • G-RIP coming out strong. No real complaining and we got along just fine.
  • Toro back from European vacation. Sounds like at least one stressful travel situation which resulted in a full family sprint at the Philly airport……they made the connection as the last ones on the plane though
  • Ladies Man struggling to coordinate workout schedules with wife. Who wears the pants, bro?
  • Solid start to the day fellas. Thankful for so much.