The G with the biggest sack

Warm Up:Lap around lower field, bear crawl on the 3rd straight awaySSH X 15IST X 15Merkin X 10Mtn Climber X 15Slow Deep Squat X 10 The Thang:Partner up and grab a sandbag per partner Back to back, pass sandbag 20 times, reverse 20 moreLine up in parking spot, toss your bag to partner 25 times – each drop results in 3 burpeesEach partner take a step back, toss bag to partner 10 times – 3 burpees per drop To the wall – The Protractor – quick one 10 second-ish per anglePeoples chair for some respite Partners grab a block P1 Curls X 10 – Squats X 10 repeato until P2 returnsP2 run around circle, over small jungle gym, 20 dips, under jungle gym, run backUpon both partners finishing WW2 X 10Repeato!Threepeato! To the wall – Balls to the wall for a bit Blocks bag – run back to the sandbags Partners spread across parking space 20 sandbag throws – 3 burpee penalty for drop Mary:Start seated with some sandbag throws aroundLBC X 25Sandbag throwsPretzel LBC X 10 each sideSandbag throwsLow Plank as the PAX count For those of you who may have missed the worst joke of the morning – What did the Tinman say when he ran into the Scarecrow? Haaaaayyyyy! The Force was quite punchy this morning, was setting up for several comments from the PAX. I think he was the first to push calling the sandbag ‘a sack’. Peaches and Heisman, good to see you still motivating each other to get out in the gloom. For those on the fence, please consider running the annual Cristina Latini 8k on March 30 I brought a bit of old school with the playground routine, a bit of shoulders and added the sandbag (or sack) work, hope this was a fun but still solid workout for all. Thank you Lawndart for the opportunity to lead Fallout today.
