The Gambler

Event Date

Feb 16, 2016

2 of the finest Mountain Islanders appeared in the soggy gloom to test their fate.

Warmorama: Jog, Buttkicks, High Knees, SSH x 30, IST x 15, TS x 15

The Thang:

  • Deck of 52 cards (no jokers except the PAX…)
  • Value of the card = the number to do of the exercise
  • ♦ Diamonds: Mericans, Face cards = Diamond Mericans
  • ♠ Spades: Squats, Face cards = Jump Squats
  • ♣ Clubs: Lunges, Face cards = Jump Lunges
  • ♥ Hearts: Burpees
  • Any Ace:  One Lap (1/3 mile)

Moleskine: So the weather has been crazy with school closings and delays due to the wintery mix, but this morning was almost 50.  The rain held off and we only had to "deal" with a wet parking lot.  In any case, it was Natty and 'Zona who braved the weather this AM.  The totals today were 90 Mericans (36 diamonds), 90 squats (36 jump squats)… you get the picture.  90 straight out burpees and over a mile of running.  A good sweat and great chatter with Natty.  I can't think of a better way to start any day!  So I send you off with the inspiration, going way back to '78…