The Gambler and Jobe-ing

I’ve been missing the opportunity to slay dragons on Thursday. Having just finished IPC, I figured Greenville has nothing on us besides thicker twangy accents. So why not do a work out that would put IPC to shame.  So last night Kenny Rogers came to me in a dream and detailed the Gambler Work out. He sang to me, “ you Gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away and go throw up in a bush.”


14 men showed. 1 FNG. And the cards were dealt.


The thang:

Start with one lap around the church. We follow this with pain. 40 minutes of pain.


We went through a 52 deck of cards. Having to do reps based on the number on the card, Face-cards are 10 and aces are 16.


Hearts = Burpee‘s

Diamonds = thrusters with kettle bell

Spades = Shoulder tap mericans

Clubs= kettle bell swings


2 Jokers = Run to pull up bars and 25 pull ups


for those doing the math, that’s 100 reps per suit with 50 pull ups. I total 450 reps.


At 6:15 we just missed finishing the deck. And by we I mean everybody but Kozar. That savage, pushed through, welcomed the pain, took souls, and finished the deck.







  1. We’ve created a new term. Jobe-ing = making yourself throw up on your own Q.  I blame a week at Disney, french fries, and an 8 hour drive home 8 hours before the work out. But I’m also weak and need excuses.
  2. There was an interesting discussion about that sensitive area that rhymes with ain’t .  I was too tired to listen or join in but I’m sure popcorn could fill me in. Did I hear Popcorn wanted to change his nickname to power bottom?
  3. Cherry bomb does look “ fit” , codeword for skinny or frail. I made sure to tell him this before the workout started. He then aggressively proceeded to pound his shoulders with shoulder tap mericans. It was intimidating l.Thus, I will not be discussing his fitness level again. At least to his face.
  4. Auto, I strategically did less running this work out so you would not make me look like such an Unathletic Putz like you normally do.
  5. Nair told me after that I make poor life decisions for doing that work out After eating Taco Bell at 8 PM, no argument there.
  6. Whatever pre-work out Kozar took, can I get me some of that.
  7. We had one FNG, if he comes back he’s a savage.
  8. Qbert singing rage against the machine got me through a set of 10 Burpee‘s.
  9. I strategically did not post this on metro's website yet, I think. No promises that I won't.