The Gauntlet (Quarantine Edition)

Event Date

Mar 30, 2020

Last Monday of the month, but The Sword does not #Murph. YHC's original plan was to have The Sword host equally tough (or tougher) workouts than the Murph every last Monday. Something that hovers around Iron Pax level. I'd been wanting to try The Gauntlet out and figured now was as good a time as any. Keep in mind, the "rest" portion of 100 LBCs was not the original plan but COVID-19 had other plans. The original plan was to have it be 150-yard farmers carry with 2 coupons, but that's for another day I suppose.


The reason I've called this workout "The Gauntlet". A gauntlet is/was a form of punishment where a soldier would run between two lines of men while they beat the crap out of him. Think of the burpees as the two lines of men beating the crap out of you while you already endure the punishment between them. 



  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Windmill x 15 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC
  • Arm Circles (frontward and reverse)


The Thang

You'll need to grab your coupon of choice (KB or cinderblock).

  • 15 Burpees
  • 20 Squat Thrusters
  • 30 Skull Crushers
  • 40 Swings
  • 50 Curls
  • 15 Burpees

100 LBCs for rest. 

Repeato 2 more times (total of 3 rounds)



  • Stretch it out


Virtual Moleskine

  • Mumblechatter was at a record ZERO. 
  • YHC basically took a month off of F3 (and all working out) due to the new baby. I felt every day of that month today.
  • Cousin Eddie did this and The Murph – that man's got a problem.
  • Ninja Turtle and Tagless completed with standards attached. Also Ninja Turtle added 100 merkins because why not?
  • Crocs replied with a GIF of someone in pain. Making the assumption that he could only get that GIF out before passing out from exhaustion after finishing the workout.