The General: Catch Me if You Can (VooDoo)

26 hard charging men posted their volunteer services to a beatdown for the General. Willy Wonka and DJ Quack also were amongst us, but they are not registered as of yet, so they are mentioned here. Your YHC drove a round-trip of 75.4 miles this morning to fullfill my committment to Q the General for the man we all affectionately know as The Geek.

Warm-up: Pledge of Allegiance (First order of business)

  • Invisible jump rope, Imperial Storm Trooper, Cotton Pickers, Squat, Glute Bridge, Side Straddle Hops

The Thang:

  • Run from parking lot to rock pile
  • Grab a traveler and grab a partner
  • I learned this from VooDoo of Area 51…and it is called "Catch me if You Can"
    • Partner one doubles up with both rocks and runs, while partner 2 does 12 merkins then runs to catch partner 1, then switch.
    • We do this for about 5 repititions or .75 miles and circle up in parking lot.
  • In the circle with rock, we do:
    • Overhead press x 12
    • Skull crusher x 12
    • Curl x 12
    • On back chest presses x 12
    • Since we are on our back, "Weighted Glute Bridge" The Geeks idea
  • Repeato
  • Grab your partner and do it all over again while heading to the rock pile. Change exercise to Carolina Dry Dock x 12 though.
  • Run back to parking lot and circle up
    • Merkin x 12
    • Carolina Dry Dock x 12
    • Mason Twist x 20
    • Squat x 12
    • Diamond Merkin x 12
    • LBC's x 20
    • Glute Bridge (of course)
    • Rosalita x 30 (Smores)
    • Crunchy Frog x 15
    • Touch Dem heels x 15
    • Heels to heaven x 15 (Kingfish)
    • 5 Burpee's

The Naked MoleSkin:

  • The Geek is doing a great job of managing this AO that I helped start.
  • Thanks OG's- Dill, Stromboli, Omega, Smores, Riverboat, Thug, BoarHog, HatTrick, Oyster, KidRock, KingFish and of course you too Soprano. (Not old, but an OG regardless)
  • Rico brings it everytime
  • Thanks to my regulars which also make me happy: Landline, Ninja Turtle, LoneStar, MoopDog and Striker, Great work!
  • 2.0's bringing the heat, Rambo and DJ Quack, keep it up!
  • Valet, Tuffy, BurVegas and Willy Wonka, hope to be at many more beatdowns with you guys, great job and great attitudes!
  • I enjoyed the usual heckling, but it seemed unusually heavy this am. Oh wait, thats right, welcome back Kotter, Smores from the woods of Michigan.
  • Never let them get in your head boys, because they will try, oh will they try.

For the record, I miss NoCo and what you all mean to me. Over 4 1/2 years I have posted F3 AO's, even been a part of starting a few, or the decline of a few…

I can't leave my roots, nor do I want to, as old habits die hard, especially with regards to my Clown car and the incessant heckling which I love too.

Have a great weekend my friends!
