The General Consensus: Net 0.0 Miles

FNG-1 = Pushpop (sp)

FNG-2= Jackhammer

FNG-3= Kingpin

FNG-4= Gray

16 Generally fit fellas went out for a net Zero gain in miles.  Lots of backward and forward motion with a little, out-of-the-ordinary, DORA mixed in. The rule was: max out at 25 reps for the 1st two  exercises: ‘Mericans and Rock Curls. (100, 200, 300) We modified for time on the Rock Squats to no limit.  While waiting for the returning partner, execute an ab exercise. Sorry- I think everyone still ran out of time.

And no time for MARY today, but it was mixed in there with the casserole.  

Thanks for posting, gents.

F3 Dads Camping next weekend.  See R2D2 for more info.

Have a great weekend.


