The General Continual Motion !

Wack (WB) not listed in Pax on website.

20 Sweaty men decided that The General would be a great start to their Friday !  If you weren't there then this is what u missed !


SSH x 20 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

IST x 15 IC

Merican x 10 IC

Toy Soldier x 10 IC

Short mosey to playground for 5 Alive !

5 Alive:

Partner up, Partner A – 5 Pullups + 5 Burpees, Partner B run short loop around cement island, Flip Flop Repeato with each Partner doing 5 sets

Plank, Mericans x 12 IC

Mosey to lower lot.

Peoples chair + Air Presses x 30 IC

Balls to the Wall

Short mosey to bottom of hill facing the back gate.

Back to your Partner.

Partner A – Quadrephelia up to gate, regular run back, Partner B – Peter Parkers (AMRAP), Flip Flop

Partner A – Karaoka up to gate, regular run back, Partner B – Squats (AMRAP), Flip Flop

Partner A – Basketball Slides up to gate, regular run back, Partner B – LBCs (AMRAP), Flip Flop

Plank, Mericans x 12 IC

Mosey to grass hill in back of baseball fence.

Grass Hill:

Bear Crawl up, 6 Scorpion Dry Docks, Crawl Bear down, 6 Alternating Lunges each leg

Repeato going down 5-4-3-2-1

Plank, Diamond Mericans x 12 IC

Mosey to bleacher area.

Dips x 20 IC

Incline Mericans x 10 IC

Mosey back to lot for MARY.

MARY: Pass the Buck to Pax !

Etch – Crunchy Frog, Hillbilly – JLo, Riverboat – glute bridge, Dry Rub – LBCs, MacBeth – Low Flutter, YHC – Rosalita

Time – DONE !

Rumple Moleskin:

(1) Thanks to MQ The Geek for allowing me to Q  The General !  Good group today with OGs and newer Pax mixed in !

(2) Welcome back Kotters – Etch A Sketch & Hillbilly !  Good to see your faces again.  You know what to do to get back into it – Post brothers !

(3) Like to see younger guys like Wack (WB) son of Hillbilly !  Awesome to create healthy habits when you are young !

(4) Love doing the Pledge of Allegiance at beginning of The General !  Sets the Positive tone.

(5) Isotope if growing rapidly so make sure you sign up to Q !  Its supposed to make you nervous.  That's part of the growth process.  Once you do it, it can become addicting !

Pleasure to be in such an Exciting group of Men ! Keep Pushing Each Other F3 !  Incredible things to come in the Future !

Mayhem (in the AM)