10 pax showed up at 58 degrees but feels like 40s. Heat Pump was there too but not on the list. Sign up brother.So we ran around, wait, we stop. almost forgot to do Pledge to Allegiance.Now we did a lap around parking lot then mosey to baseball field. Warm upWindmill, IST, Cotton Picker, Toy Soldier, SquatsPartner UpP1 Bear crawl P2 ran around field, catch up on P1 then flip flop. Smores, kingfish said ” are you out of your mind”P1 lunge walk, P2 lap around field catch up on P1 then flip flop. Pax are smoked.Mosey outside the field for some DoraPartners completed 100 Australian Pull up 150 Incline Merkin 200 Dip. Yup, you heard that right. 10 Decline Merkin15 Mountain Climber 20 Jump Squat20 Step Up MaryLBC, Low Flutter, Rosalita, Dying Cockroach, Plank.Thanks to Smores for taken us out on a prayer.Eeyore, it’s a pleasure to Q The General today. Thank you.Awesome group this morning. Thank y’all for coming out.Titan