Not shown above: 2 FNGs: Jonathan (first post), Nick (now known as, Luigi). Atlas and HarryPotter. 

Very nice crisp morning that started with 6 PAX taking off for a 2.5mi Standard. Metallica and Jenny, not understanding the definition of a 2nd F run, set a blistering pace and Aussie joined them. Calypso and YHC labored behind that group and Smores needed some alone time so he took off on a separate route after 1mi. We all returned back to the AO launch on-time(ish).

0530 – A PAX of 30 strolled briefly through the lot stopping quickly at the shovel flag to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and then moved further down to let the madness unfold. Circle up for a little warm-o-rama. Exercises completed – SSH, Windmill, Mountain Climber, Cotton Picker, 'Merican and IST.

As we strolled over the next section of pavement Carioca style, YHC began to think about the plan for this morning. It then dawned on me, there was no plan. Due to that revelation, we lined up in 4 columns (row count unknown) at the bottom of Eagleridge and began a series of sprints. After 4 up and back 70yd sprints, an audible was called for Quadraphilia up and mosey back down. Following the 2nd set, Blackbeard made a comment that he was looking for something a little more unique. Sooo, before continuing, we knocked out 15 8-count Body Builders IC. Now solidly refreshed with uniqueness, we carried on with one more Quadraphilia run up the hill. Once complete, it was off to the Westmoreland facing rock pile to pick them up and put them down. Full Curls, High Curls, Low Curls, Skull-Crushers, Shoulder Presses and Upright Rows all made the circuit. Since the Mumblechatter began to pick up with the rocks, we mosey'd to the park entrance and completed a couple sets of Lunge Walk/Bear Crawl down and Quadraphilia back up. Each leg another 70yds. Sufficiently spent and worried that time might expire, we rolled back to the launch point to work on our abs. 

During Mary, Aussie led the PAX through the Low Flutter and Low Dolly. He might still be counting. We finished with the Dying Cockroach and Pretzel Crunches. It was then time to recover. 



With all due Respect, The General crowd is typically quite older (SWIDT?).  Today was no different. Given that fact, they are known to be boisterous and provide an inordinate amount of mumblechatter every Friday. I hope the lack of chatter today was due to the activities and not the forgetfullness that typicall plagues the elderly. It could have been that only only one Clown Car representative was in attendance (Smores). I joke, of course. I am always in awe of the number of RESPECTs that post at TG on Friday and even more amazed at their level of fitness. Something I hope to achieve in my later years. 

Great to see some familiar faces take a crack at the boot camp life again. All this running had me questioning if I would have a difficult time recognizing some folks. If anyone needs lessons on how to bear crawl, please contact Jenny!

Great to see all the new faces and 2 FNGs today. Look forward to seeing them back out in the gloom. I promise the workout never gets easier, you just get more weird like the rest of us. Pretty sure that's how the saying goes.

We could have easily had 5 more in attendance today, but Jolly and Wingman "walkered" us, and Outlaw, Stromboli and Callahan wanted to work on their marathon time trials. It's possible they don't think they are ready for a boot camp. Please reach out to them all with a word of encouragement. They need our support as they face the fear.  

FNG Nick, now known as Luigi got his name from Bouncey House today. The resoning in a nutshell: "Nick is a Mech. Engineer that works on HVAC systems in a hospital setting. He also works on a '68 Camaro and since he had on a BBQ shirt he must be Italian. So he is named after the guy from Cars" Ummmm… I love Italian food and I love BBQ but I'm not sure I have ever heard them connected in such a fashion. Must have been a lack of oxygen.

My 2.0 turned 2 today and I am thankful to the Men of F3 that push me each day to be a better Father and example for him and my 2.1. It was great to put in the work with you all this morning. TG always provides one of the best PAX groups to workout with and today was no exception. Thank you, Landline, for the opportunity.