34 pledged allegiance to the flag of our great country and came out to get after it this morning! And get after it we did! 2 loops all the way around Westmoreland park with 4 stops each time for pain stations + a rock station. we accomplished the following totals:

8 total THE Burpee

SSH X 26

Donkey Kicks X 26

Cotton Pickers X 26

Windmills X 26

IST X 26

Rock Exercises – 52 of each

Sumo Squats

Low Curls

Shoulder presses

High Curls 

Skull Crushers

Full Curls

Squat to curl to shoulder press to skull crusher (26 total for that exercise)

Pain station exercises

Mericans X 52

Mountain Climbers X 52

Squats X 52

LBCs X 208

CDD X 52

Peter Parkers X 52

W's X 52

Low Flutters X 52

Naked Man Moleskin

1) Today is in fact my 52nd birthday – eternal thanks for the labor my mother put in this day 52 years ago and for all the effort she put in to raising me – I could have turned out a whole lot worse believe me

2) Thanks to all who have come out this week and every week – F3 has come to define and shape a good part of our lives, I know I am better for the workouts, but much more so for the relationships, the accountability, the example you all set each and every day. My sincerest thanks.

3) If you have not had a chance to get to know 9-lives, you need to make it a point to work out next to him. Entertaining, encouraging, one of the best dudes in F3, a true HIM.

4) Thanks to the Original Gangsters – The Old Guard – Callahan, Moses, Primo who were all at this workout and Bama and Ludi who have attended workouts this week. Testament to Moses that he pulled this group together that remain active in F3 7+ years later and who launched F3 in Lake Norman. 

5) Please sign up for the Christina Latini Memorial Run/Walk being held March 30 with launch and Finish at St. Mark Church.

6) Week of the Outlaw concludes tomorrow with Mighty Jungle at St. Mark and we will have Q source following at Waterbean.

Honor and Privilege always to lead this group of men!


