The Ghost of Titan

Event Date

Oct 30, 2021


Last week was YHC, Soprano, Jersey Boy, and Cobra Kai. This week Cobra Kai subbed out with Possum and here's what we did.

Decided to take us on a tour of the park because this AO has a lot of great territory to be creative and get a good workout in.

If you haven't Q'd at BRP in a while or especially ever, take a chance and sign up its a great place for more than just games and the big convergences.

Warm a rama

  • Mosey to end of the parking lot including High Knees, Butt Kickers, and Kareoke
  • Circle up 
    • SSH x 10IC
    • IST x 10IC
    • Toy Soldier x 10IC
    • Windmill x 10IC
  • Mosey to bottom of hill near track

The thang

  • Grab a good sized rock
    • Jersey Boy found a nice smooth rock that he had brought over from the other side of the park
    • Soprano had trouble finding a good one that wasn't too dirty
  • Mericans x 10IC
  • Curl x 10IC
  • Overhead press x 10IC
  • Skull Crusher x 10IC
  • Run to the playground and 10 pull ups then run back to rocks
  • Squat x 10IC
  • Forward lunge 5 each leg OYO
  • Calf raises x 20IC
    • We had a little discussion on how really its more like a heel raise and then Soprano correctly mentioned how were actually raising everything, who knows in the end?
  • Backward lunge 5 each leg OYO
  • Return blocks and run up for 10 more pull ups
  • Mosey down greenway to bottom of hill
  • LBC x 20IC
  • Mountain Climber x 20IC
  • Continue on Greenway to small hill near soccer fields
  • Run up hill, exercise, crawl bear/run back down
    • Round 1: 10 Mericans and crawl bear down x 5
    • Round 2: 10 Squats and run down x 5
  • Mosey to basketball courts
    • Sideways suicides
      • Run from sideline of one court to each of the other three sidelines and back
      • After a full suicide, 10 dips OYO
      • Repeato for 3 rounds total
  • Mosey to playground behind baseball fields
    • 10 step ups each leg
    • New exercise named "The Pac Man"
      • Sit on edge of the bench, start with legs together
      • With your core, lift your legs and spread them as far out as you can then back to center
      • x 10 IC
  • Mosey around baseball fields to the halfpipe hills
    • Run the halfpipe twice stopping at the top of each hill for 5 burpees
      • Total of 20 burpees
  • Long mosey to original pull up bars for 10 more pull ups
  • Mosey to covered benches


  • Circle of Mary
    • YHC: 1 legged LBCs x 8IC each leg
    • Soprano: Little Baby Extension x 10IC
    • Jersey Boy: X's and O's x 10 IC
    • Possum: J-Lo x 10 IC
    • YHC: Jane Fonda x 10IC Each side
    • Soprano: Dying Cockroach x 15IC
    • Jersey Boy: Metronome x 10 IC
    • Possum: Low Flutter x 10IC

Recover Recover

Name o rama



  • YHC met Possum today, glad to see you out at BRP looking forward to your Q in a couple weeks!
  • So Titan wasn't physically there, but it seemed the Ghost of Titan made an appearance thus he gets credit in this BB
    • As we were doing step ups, Possum asked if Titan came around to BRP still and as we were answering Possum had a little slip and thankfully didn't get injured. The only explanation? It had to be the Ghost of Titan.
  • We learned a few new things about Jersey Boy during Mary
    • First was that there is no way that he has a tail bone or its not in the same place as most people.
      • During X's and O's and the Metronome my tailbone was hurting but Jersey is just flying through them like its nothing. Strong work.
    • We also learned that Saturday nights are J Lo nights at the JB household, do with that what you will.
  • The halfpipe hill will crush the soul of any PAX but all four of us pushed through and finished, great work guys.
  • Always thankful for when we can get PAX out to BRP on a Saturday looking forward to more and more people coming out each week.

Until next time……. Mr. Holland