The Glen Gets Goers Gory.

As the faithful Race City Pax emerged out of the darkness, into the gloom, the sun was struggling to unearth itself from its nightly cozy claustrophobic cave.  As the light was brought upon the Faithful, she bore down upon these fine men a workout that succinctly separated the men from the boys.  We lost two men RIGHT of the bat, more on that later…

Warm-Ups, Run to Field, on the steps down, Lear went down, and hard, blood everywhere, but he was undeterred.  SO, the Pax were gathered for an Indian run around field loop to loosen up, then rocks were gathered.  A 'second opinion' from Dr. Dolittle was administered upon Lear.  Lear was sent to seek medical care, along with Deep End.  The show went on.

Grab rock (traveling)-Bear Crawl Ladder: 10 Squats w/ rock at bottom of hill, leave rock, bear crawl up hill behind baseball field, 2 Declines off fence at top.  Run down, ratchet 2 down on the squats and 2 up on the declines until Squats are 2 and Declines are 10.  

MC (Merkin Circle): IC 10 wide arms/legs, yoga pose R/leg up, 5 diamond, yoga pose L/leg up, 10 Slow Deep Mericans

Four (4) Points of Pain.  Pax divided into 4 groups.   Pace setters are corner 4, doing 10, 8, 6 burpees.  Other three corners are repping AMRAP 1. Curls 2. Skull Crushers, 3. Bent Over Rows while Corner 4 cranks burpees.  Three rounds (10, 8, 6).  This went long, way too long….due to some SERIOUS lollygagging with the 'tall and lanky' group.

Crack Den: Dips IC 12, 10, 8 interrupted by 2 sets of 10 CDD's IC.

Mary (IC): Freddy Merc's 15, WWII's 20, Low Flutter 30, Mason Twist 15.  Recover, recover.


-Gentlemen.  This is a free men's workout group.  You are not led by a professional, you are at F3 at your own risk.  SHOULD you get injured, you will be helped to your car and any possible assistance given.  Amen.

-Bombardier is not yet on the WS, but is a solid Air Force badass with 5 kids and a phenomenal upstate NY story!  A Giants fan also….ugh!!

-Senator showed up for the COT, Tailhook showed up at the coffeeteria, and let us know his daughter, Peyton, is recovering well from her collapsed lung.  

-Prayers up for Ticktock's daughter, Katelyn, as she plans to head to CO for some further medical treatment.

-The trio of Big Mean, Chief, and Pyle significantly altered the 'speed' of the Four Points of Pain exercise.  The Pax was admonished accordingly.

-Ruckers were Manhands, Pierogi, Big Mean, Pink Slip. 

-Runners were Loveshack, Crack, Nymph, and Bombardier.

-The declines on that outfield fence were smokers…..sah bow dat.

-STILL looking for a 2019 Master Q for The GLEN….with it being SUCH a great AO, you may want to grab it to truly explore all of it's 'features':-)

-Lear, sorry about the bloody lip.

-The 'disclaimer' was not announced, but it is black and white right here….'nuff said.

Gents, it's always a pleasure to lead such a fine group of MEN!!
