Lear was the WD, Loveshack's youngest was the WB.  There were 3 kids there, two of Loveshack's four, and one of Rentacop's 3.  Ladybug's two boys and Frosty's two girls were also there to run the 5k.  These kids were some serious whippersnappers, 'nuff said.  Dovetail was in visting from Chatenooga, TN (he told YHC he loved our SSH's!!!)!  Great guy!  

Now, our special guest, the newly minted Manhattan Bomber (hospital name- Arthur Rogers ) served his first post with us, tradition was thrown aside and we named him right then and there, in the COT.  The Manhattan Bomber worked on the Manhattan project, photographed quite of bit for our nation, and served our country proudly.  At 92, he has a jolly demeanor, a great amount of health, and a bit of a penchant for the ladies!  He was our FIRST volunteer for F3RCUSA to push in a race on our very own RaceCityUSA Speed Chair, and it couldn't have gone better!

Warm Ups- Mozy about ,5 mile the the cemetary to a park nearby.  COP (IC)- SSH 20, 1 burpee, IST 15, 2 burpees, CP's 10, 3 burps…..(these just kept adding up), Mericans 10, 4 burps, MC's 15, 5 burps, WM's 10, 6 burps, SDS's 15, 7 burpees.

The Thang- Head to Crack Den- 3 sets of 10 dips, 10 jump/step ups, 10 declines, 10 single leg squats (with back leg on bench), Head back to parking lot, partner up, wheelbarrow merkins, one merkin/parking line to 5, switch partners, 5 wheelbarrow merkins on the way back!  Mozy to cemetary, 8 burpees, mozy to church back entrance 9 burpees, mozy to AO, Meet and greet the Manhattan Bomber.  Mary was given the day off.  Recover, recover, COT.  Run the CamoUp 5k.


-DUE TO the race starting at 8, we ended our workout at about 7:40.  

-Most who posted ran the race, even Santiago, who was not planning on running the 5k (who doesn't 'plan' on running a 5k, then runs it??….in his 50's….I mean…).

-HUGE KUDOS go to Strutter and Rentacop who commandeered the very impressive chair for us to push Mahattan Bomber in for the 5k.  We look forward to using the chair for our next race!

-If you know someone what may want to ride in the chair, please let Strutter or Rentacop know:-)

-The 2.0's, both in the post and the 5k, were uber impressive and kudos to their parents for having them participate in our reindeer games!

-Lear was very excited about having Manhattan Bomber with us and having him participate in the race.  It was a huge 'feel good' moment!

-OK, so the Q was supposed to be 'easy'.  A better way to describe it was 'not hard'……..onstensibly.

-The 5k had rain, humidity, and some decent hills.  F3RCUSA was well represented, kudos to all!

-Mrs. Rentacop there at seemingly every bend to cheer us on!!  Great to have our fans help us through the 5k.

-The kids….the 2.0's out there (Loveshack's, Lady Bug's, Rentcop's and Frosty's) were all very impressive!  It's great to see the next gen participating in such a good cause!

-Manhattan Bomber had himself quite a good time!  He was uber cheerful, smiley, and more than happy to offer a lap to any pretty lady who came along to say, 'Hi'.  Oye vay!

-Thanks Gents for the chance to lead.

-If you want the chance to lead The Glen, DM @hummer on Slack.  Other than June 9th (Strutter), the summer is OPEN!!!