The Glen Goes Off

When one is handed the keys to The Glen from such a magnanimous Master Q as Scott 'Strutter' Kurtz.  One takes it VERY seriously.  Strutter hails from self created racing royalty, strutting down the hallowed halls of Penske racing and administering his special elixir of speed based pain to the gritty, grindy, gutwrenching gulches of The Glen, this man exudes Master Q persona like few others can.  And when tapped by such an individual to guest Q, well……..think of the likes of Mark Martin handing you the keys to warm up his ride for the big race on one of America's most beloved road courses, The Glen.  What you also want to know is that PRIOR to the provided pedestrian beatdown, these fine men (Comet, Crack, FLG, Chief, Shambala, Plinko, Frosty) gulped some rucking in varied amounts, some up to 10 (effing 10!!) miles.  Due to the foray of the gathering process, The Glen lauched LATE at 7:01, not what Strutter had inteded for his pitiful pinch hitter.

Warm-ups: Circle the Flag, Pledge (Lear led…..of course) , SSH 20, IST 15, CP's 10, MC's 15, SLOW Merks 5, WM's 10, Squats 15 (all IC)

The Thang: Divide into three groups, line up on small wall, 10 dips IC, quad up hill to wall. iron chair, 15 air presses, run back down, 10 dips IC, quad up hill, Preacher's Chair. Mozy to pull up bars. Commence '5's'.  Groups take turns doing 5 pull-ups, 5 Merkins IC, 5 Burpees, repeato x2, addding 1 rep count each time.  So the 5's became the 5,6,7's.  Mozy to soccer field.

Gig Harbor RunTM: Six sets of sprints timed at 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 seconds.  Each sprint was gifted a rest period, filled with exercises including IC SDS 10, CDD's 10, Merkins 10, Heel slaps 15, and one other exercise YHC simply can't remember.

Mozy behind soccer field to rock garden, grab rock, Curls 21's, Skull Crushers and Mil Presses 10 IC each, bear crawl through storm drain to far side of road, and back, repeato rock exercises adding a few here and there, return rocks, bear crawl up hill, Indian Run long way around track to our starting point, bear crawl up hill to home run fence on Field #3, Gather in Parking lot for….

Tabata: 20 sec AMAP reps, 10 sec off.  4 exercises repeated once.  4 min of FUN.  Merks, Jump Squats, CDD's, Sitouts.  Recover, recover.


-Welcome FNG-1 Russell Smith.  He's from Mooresville, a firefighter, likes the Panthers (that's a local NFL football team, Mr. Deepend), and lives in Crack's 'hood.  Ostensibly EH'd, by Crack.

-The 'performance' of today's crew significantly impressed the guest Q, especailly during the Gig Harbor Run, specifically the speed of Panama Red and Finger LIckin Good.  This exercise is a lung burner.

-Lear sustained a healthy leg injury on the first trip up that dip wall, lots of blood, but pressed on throughout the post.  Not too shabby for our 70 year young phenome.  

-YHC would like to thank the 'suggestor', and Chief for subsequently relaying the message that we should bear crawl through the storm drain to add a little claustrophia management to our morning post.

-1,2,3 groups were ONLY used for the pull-up, merkin, burpee routine, but were used to organized two other times for absolutely no reason at all, for the helluvit, just to see how well the PAX responded.  They did very well:-)

-The Tabata replaced Mary.  Variety is the spice of life!

-The ruckers (names listed above) doulbed down, and they should receive accolades for such an endeavor.  Please 'back slap' them next time you see them!

-Finger Lickin' Good informed YHC that the Gig Harbor RunTM was his first post EVER at F3RCUSA.  Great job FLG!!!

-Comet hates running, and was more than happy to lettuce know that!

-Plinko is a stud, pure and simple.

-Cupcake………has some splaynnin' to do.  He showed up, didn't ruck, did ONLY the COP (warm-ups), then took off with the flag to prepare for tonight's EPIC F3 Race City USA Annual Christmas Party to be held at his palatial abode, starting at 6:30 PM EST tonight!!!  He did get listed as a pax member, because we love him.

-Prayers were offered up for Strutter's cousin, who passed away due to a drunk driver and leaves a special needs son behind.  Also, Deepend's coworker who's recoving from a big heart surgery this week.

-Let the record reflect Cupcake officially has the Shovel FlagTM.  Please make note of that in your offcial logbook.

-Strutter, bless you kindly for allowing this green guest Q to possess the keys to the infamous Glen for 59 minutes today.