Wow, mention the word 'ultimate' and the RC faithful flock, and I mean FLOCK to Stumpy.  Then, immediately (we're talkin' during the MOZY here) begin wondering why we aren't already throwing frisbees around.  THIS was after clearing up the difference between ulitmate and disc golf during the 'limber' session, oye VAY!

Warm Ups-Mozy, high knees, butt kickers, R/L karaoke, backwards run, kick steppers.

COP (all IC)- SSH 30, IST 20, CP's 10, Mericans 10, CDD's 15, WM's 10

Mozy to soccer fields- Sprints, 1 @ 25%, 2 @ 50%, 1 @ 75%, 1 @ 50% (check with Big Mean….'are we warmed up'?  Yes)

Ultimate, the PAX was divided into 4 (four) teams.  Brief, insufficient instructions were given to the PAX re: ultimate.  Play began, Great fun.  Half time-10 burpees OYO (this IS F3, after all).  The floor was opened for questions regarding play, rules, etc. silence.  Resume play, which was cut off at 7:52.

Mozy to crack house-IC Dips 15, Mericans 10.

Mozy to parking lot Mary: Low flutter 20, W's 15, JLo's 15.  Recover. Recover.


-FNG1 also goes by Jason Wandersee, and he posted for a second time, hence was nicknamed Straight Cash Homie.  THIS, of course was derived from his origins in Minnesota, and as such he is a Vikings fan.  The VIkings greatest receiver, other than CC of course, was Randy Moss.  When RM was fined by the NFL and asked how he'd pay for the fine, his response was "Straight Cash, Homie", and there you have it. (

-….and while you're at it, carve out 4:33 of your life to look at this (  We also could have gone with The Freak or The Superfreak, but Straight Cash has pinache!!

-Lambeau–a super stellar ultimate dude, is not on the F3Isotope listings, so his name is not in the PAX. 'We'll have to remedy that'. (what movie)

-Next, if anyone can tell the Q the movie AND the scene the quote for the PB Tweet was lifted from, you shall receive one (1) dollar from said Q.  First one to reply, via Slack, wins!!!!

-Respects today include our staples, The Senator, Tickock, Usain, Santiago, DeepEnd, Cupcake.  Exceptional effort, athleticism, stamina, and prowess by all.  'These guys are good'.

-Our ruckers, heading into the HTL, include Manhands, BigMean, Cupcake, Pierogi, and Davy Crockett were kept in our thoughts and prayers….such an incredible amount of training they've had to endure!  Now…..the 'fun' part.

-The level of ultimate play was astounding! I was pleased, to say the least.  A little physical for a 'non-contact' game, but no outright injuries noted (other than Chief cramping up).

-You men impress, simply said.  Most of you played your first game today, and you ran, caught, threw, and competed with intensity, passion, and jovility. Bravo!!

-RentaCop, thanks for the chance to lead.  

-To the PAX-  take a Q, it's fun, rewarding, exciting, nerveracking, and exhausting all at the same time, just do it!!!