Prior to procuring the preplanned pain prescription, seven stout frostbite foregoing fanatics rucked the streets surrounding our notorious AO, The Glen.  These men, listed in the order of their Zodiac signs, include:  Finger Licking Good, Brushless, Comet, Shambala, Hurdle, Frosty, and Rentacop.  

The most famous racetracks in the world:  Nurburging Nordschleife in Germany, Spa-Francorchamps in Begium, Suzuka in Japan,  Circuit de la Sarthe (LeMans) in France, Circuit de Monaco in Monte Carlo, Laguna Seca in California, and Watkins Glen International in New York-the namesake for F3RCUSA's very own Saturday post, The Glen (now, if you can't appreciate that list of road courses and gush a little bit just pondering them…..then just STOP reading this #BB.  I am SERIOUS, just STOP NOW!………..please, STOP READING………..OK, the rest of you please read on for a freshman attempt at glorifying this amazing AO).  In 1948, local notable Cameron Argetsinger got things going with the official START of racing in this breathtakingly beautiful and scenic lakeside town.  The first races were along the streets of this flat village nestled in the hills of the Finger Lakes region.  But after the tragic death of 7 yo Frank Fazzari in 1952, the course was moved up onto the hill, outside of town.  Stewart (Jackie AND Tony), Giacomelli, Andretti, Fittipaldi, Earnhardt, Logano, Labonte, Martin, Berretta, Gordon, and of course Rino Mastronardi- the Saab Pro Series pole sitter back in '97.  The town is RICH in racing, RICH in big time names, RICH in tradition, and RICH in history.

Beautiful Watkins Glen, a place YHC's family has called home for almost three decades.  To be handed not JUST the keys, but the curatorship (no, it's not a word, but it damn well should be!), via Master Q status, of this legendary Post is humbling, honoring, inspiring, intimidating, and joyful all at once.  YOU can rest assured, that this whimsical spit playing diminutive wire bender will take the job bestowed upon him by the RCE extremely seriously.  Further, to fill the shoes of the legendary Strutter, who commanded this post for the last year, will be extremely hard.  Strutter provided leadership, grace, power, diversity, showmanship, and yes…..a $h!tton of fitness!!  We ALL owe Master Q Strutter (MQS for short) a HUGE THANK YOU and DOUBLE helluva good job backslap for his devout service to The Glen.  Strutter's tenure at The Glen follows such RCE as Big Mean and Rentacop…..names that will go down in the annals of F3RCUSA for decades….no, centuries to come.  Well now, here's how it broke down at 11 degrees at post time, a mere TWO ticks off single digits (we're talking fahrenheit here fellas).

Warm-ups: Mozy, COP #1(IC) SSH 20, IST 15, CP's 10, WM'S 10, Merkins 10, MC'S 15.  Mozy to lower parking lot, high knees, kick steppers, R/L karaoke, butt kickers.  Head down to bottom on the hill, below the stairs, near the soccer field.

The Thang: Ladder #1-2 Merkins at the bottom of the steps, hop each step up, 10 Burpees at the top, run back down.  rachet the Merkins up by 2, and the Burpees down by 2, so that we go from 2/10 to 10/2.  Plank to finish.

COP #2 (IC)- Pike-ups 10, Squats 10, Quad hops 20 (oyo), SDS 10, Sky Kicks 10, Squats 10, Merkins with crossunder kicks 10, SDS 10, Side Raises 10 each side.

Mozy up to Crack Den.  Dips and CDD's (IC)-10,11,12,13,14,15, respectively.  

Mozy to posts up near the START of the frisbee golf course.  One man, one post, simple concept (that was hard to grasp…..for some).  Ladder #2- 10 Diamond Merkins, run down hill, 5 wall pushups against fence, quad up hill-8,6,4,2 Diamonds on the post, 4,3,2,1 wall pushups against fence, quad up each time.  It was lovely, but freezing cold.

Mary (IC)-Low Flutters 20, JLo's 15, LBC's 20 (Dolittle led), Box Cutters 10, Cutter Boxes 10.  Recover, recover.


-It is with great humiliation, shame, and disgust that this Post, the innagural Hummer Master Q at The Glen was finished ALMOST 7 minutes early.  Fact is, the Q's, and several of the pax's fingers and toes were frozen numb.  Yes, hypothermia goes away, but frostbite is forever…..a sad, true, cold reality. 

-BEFORE YOU THROW THAT FIRST STONE critiqueing the Q for cutting the workout short, YHC meekly asked none orther than one of the legendary Grandfathers, Crack himself, IF it would be acceptable to end the workout early, due to the extreme cold, and the Q's insatiable thirst for that first cup of coffee from Panera.  Crack repsonded affirmative, 'nuff said.

-The Mumblechatter was astounding during the COP#2, during the 'newer' exercises.  It seems that the Pax was 'less than impressed' with these newfound selections of pain.  The Q was quite shamed by the lack of love emitted by the Pax, but was pleased when Ticktock later disclosed (in private) that he actually liked the sphynx type 'Pike-ups'.  They allegedly 'smoked' his tri's…….yeah, YHC doen't really believe that either.

-That hop…you know….up the steps.  It was killer, smoked the Pax, was MODIFIED by the Pax, but inserted intentially to combat 'cold toe'.  Another miserable failure by the Q.

-Running next to Crack, one couldn't help but stop at the Crack Den to pay hommage to not only one Grandfather of RCUSA, but also to Big Mean, who bestowed upon the Pax the Filthy 50 on the very first day YHC ever posted to F3, back in 2014.

-A shout out goes to Mailman and Tailhook, who both EH'd YHC, not forseeing the eventual ruin of a perfectly good AO.

-GREAT to see Hurdle, Frosty, Shambala and many others posting consistently to The Glen, and generally Making Race City Great!

-As always, shouts to Dredd and OBT, Moses, and Crack, Chief and Big Mean-who started F3, brought F3 'north', then allowed it to ooze into Mooresville, respectively.  Cheers to ALL!

-Strutter, pure and simple, you ARE the MAN for championing this beloved AO over the past year.  GREAT JOB!!

-Lear-a firm handshake, some kind words, and a TRUE INSPIRATION to anyone that feels age matters.  Clearly, it doesn't.  Always and forever young at heart, bless you!

-Thanks to Santiago and Dolittle, who each stepped up to Quartermaster the next two weeks here at The Glen.  You will both serve as outstanding Q's, there's no doubt about it!

-Finger, Comet, Brushless, and maybe one or two others rucked so hard, they posted JUST a smidge late to the AO.  Not a problem, as the Heavy is staring them down the barrel.  Great job preparing for that bonecrushing event!

-Gents, thanks for reading this clear and obvious display of a man with too much time on a Saturday morn……