The Glen in the Gloom

The Standard run took place at 6:15 for 3.5 ish miles completed by Love Shack, Big Mean, Usain, Crack, Chief,Manhands, and Nymph  YHC was on the verge of running late this morning after some troubles and flew into the parking area at 7:00 mosey over to pick up the pax waiting for their beatdown to begin some "newer" pack not yet fully seasoned didnt' yet know what was to come.  The "senior members" of the pax knew what was in store.  This is our story.

Mosey from the parking area down to the cirlce along the way Manhands was attempting the grab my shoeslaces as i didn't yet have time to tie them.  Make a couple laps around the cirlce with high knees mixed in to get warmed up.  


As we are trying to circle up one member of the pax is already starting to do SSH although that might have been the original plan that quickly changed to the windmill for the first excersize.  We start doing windmills and he continues to object.  First objection was 1 8 count BB each time we attempted to complete the windmill again and the protest continued we added another 8 count body builder.  We got all the way up 8 8 count body builders before he caught on and we were able to get started.

10 x Windmills, 20 IST, 10 Soy Bean Pickers, 50 x SSH

Mosey to the Pull up bars and partner up size does not matter

Partner 1 10 pull ups then plank partner 2 run to the stairs and back, Flap Jack, Repeato x 2 

Mosey to the Soccer field line up along the side line facing the field.  

Bear Crawl to the Center of the field 1 Greg Louganis Merkin run back to start and plank 

After round 1 the bear crawl was changed to run each time we stopped in the middle for 1 Greg Louganis merkin and ran to the other side for 1 excercise and then running back to the start to plank and wait for the pax.  5 8 count BB, 10,Merkins, 15 CDD, 20 LBC 25 Low Flutter and then back down 20 LBC, 15 CDD, 10 Merkins, 5 8 count BB

Mosey back to the parking lot for Mary around the circle each person picks 1 thing 15 reps or less

Low Flutter x 15 RAC, Rosalita x 3 BM, Dead Fish Santiago, Box Cutter Crack, Pickle Pounder Usain, Low Dolly Chemtrail, WWII Chief, Chainsaw Diamond Merkin


Quote of the Day "It doesn't get any easier you just get less offended by Manhands"  

Nice work to all who posted especailly our newer pax Dory, Strutter and Chemtrail nice job by all. 

Strutter spent some time looking at the bottomw of the trash can but reports no merlot. 

Manhands came to coffee and he wasn't the one that almost go us kicked out of Panera!

As always its an honor to be apart of and lead this fine group thanks for following and allowing me to lead.  





*Dory and Chemtrail were also present not listed in the PAX