The Glory Dayz @ The Estate

2nd Poster 98 Degrees (formally known as Ash-Hole) was also present.  He's from West (by God) Virginia so someone previously named him after his coal country roots…but as a team of dignified men…we re-named him.  He has FOUR college degrees…and after a couple of ideas were thrown out to the crowd, Freedom came up with the epic moniker.  Nicely done sir!

So…this was my 1st Q at The Estate after (MQ) Turnpike signed me up without my knowledge.  I'm glad he did…although he did Fartsack this morning.  Boo!  

We started things off with the usual, but with a typical Limburger twist.  While performing our warmups, we passed around a 10 lb. medicine ball…which made things interesting to say the least.  

SSH X 25

IPS X 20

CP X 15

BREAKDOWNS: While chopping our feet (think High School Football) we "hit" the ground in a plank position one by one after naming our high school mascots.  We then popped to our feet as we went around the circle.  My favorite was "Mom" by Vandelay…he was home schooled.

CINDY TIME: Grabbed Cinder blocks and performed:

Low Curls X 7

High Curls X 7

Full Curls X 7

Skull Crushers X 10


Game One: (Zamparini Style Name Game) With CB's over our heads, we went around the circle and said: Our F3 Name, Who named us, and Why.  This is also when we learned about 98 Degrees' former name…and had to make an executive decision to change it on the spot.  

Put Cindy back in her place for the day…and then mosey'd to the open soccer field with a football, a full bucket of whiffle balls, and a yellow plastic bat (which we never used).  

GAME TWO: Split the group into two groups of 5 and played 20 minutes or so of intense touch football.  An interception and/or a Turnover resulted in 10 burpees for the offense.  A touchdown resulted in 10 burpees for the defense.  I hit Snake Eyes deep on a fly route for a score, Freedom hit Pork Rind with a "de-cleater", and Tantrum may (or may not) of got Dog Humped.  #Show2Know  No-one was seriously hurt…except maybe our egos for not being as good as we once were.  

GAME TWO: Squid AKA Dodgeball.  3/5ths of the Pax (that's 6 for those not good at math) were on one team (the throwers) and the remaining 4 were the "dodgers".   Three Throwers lined up on one line (think shoulder to shoulder but about 10 yards apart), and the other 3 were directly across from them about 20 yards away.  The 4 remaining Pax started between the two lines on one end and ran…no…they sprinted/juked/jived/zigged and zagged their way down the middle of the channel doing their very best to avoid getting pegged by an oversized whiffle ball.  If you missed the runner, you did 10 merkins.  If you got hit, you planked it out until everyone was out.  We did this until everyone ran through the middle twice. Jaws showed off some mad skills as he avoided getting his "bag of apples" crushed with a wizzing whiffle…and Outsource was "Sneaky Fast"! 

Back to the Parking Lot for Mary:

LBC's X 20

Low Flutter X 25

WWII Sit Ups X 10

Another Core Exercise led by Elmers whilst I grabbed my phone

NAME-A-RAMA and Closing Ceremonies

I like to have a message when I Q…and today's message derived from watching the story of Steve Gleason last night with my 13-year old daughter.  For those that don't know who he is (or was actually), he played 9 years in the NFL and was diagnosed with ALS at the tender age of 34.  The "movie" (more of a documentary) depicted his struggle from his first symptom to his last…and everything in-between.  The story hit me like a ton of bricks; not because it's true and shot using real (sometime unfiltered) videos from Steve himself.  But because of the take-away.  Here's a guy who seemingly had it all: a beautiful bride, fame, a child on the way, etc. but eventually couldn't speak or wipe his own butt.  ALS stole his ability to function as a human, all the while keeping his cognitive ability intact.  WHAT A TRAVESTY!  If you haven't seen it, check it out on Amazon (free for Prime members)…it may change your life!  So today, remember that life is a gift and we never know when our ticket will be punched.  Love each other, be a friend, help someone in need…and for goodness sake, don't sweat the small stuff.  

That's all…thanks for making my day Y’all!
