The Golden-er Rule

Event Date

Nov 17, 2018


7 emerged from the gloom to laugh at the sub-freezing gloom.  A couple 2.0's followed us around as well.  All did something they knew needed to be done; and are better for it.  Good times and laughter were had by all.  It went a little something like this.

*** Welcome Dirt to the cozi confines of SVU!  He's been to several CLT workouts and has visited the Denver minor league circuit…**<cough> Mustang**  Worked his way up the the majors…haha…and he just lives down the road.  Looked like you had fun.  Loved seeing you and Skipper pushing each other at the end.

20x SSH
20x windmills
 *** Dandelion puts on a limberness clinic
20x mountain climbers
20x dippy birds (10/side)
15x merkins
 *** …the whining when I passed 10 without a halt…geez
10x imperial squat walkers

Parking Lot Fun (do something from bottom to top, mosey back):
 *** all I'm going to say is it seems like a couple others had some parking lot fun recently  #showtoknow #mopupaisle9
slide L/R  (two reps, one left, one right)
karaoke L/R
1 foot hop L/R
monkey drill L/R …palms (or elbows) on the ground each slide
bear crawl / crawl bear
 *** Metro is still ridiculous on bc's
high skips
burpee broadjump   #crowdpleaser
boo boo bear crawl (switch legs halfway up)
 *** pax thanks Shredder for the 1st time today
coup de grace….crawl bear up / bear crawl back

Back to the Back:
max pull ups
grab a block
return to the front playground

Wooly Worms: #classicLightbulb
 *** If LightBulb isn't able to grace us Saturday mornings, at least some of his classics make it in the mix
Round 1:
  20 wooly worms
  20 merkins
  20 little baby knee crunches
  10 squat thrusters
  LBH with 3 burpees at the top
Round 2:
  20 ww
  20 bottom half curls
  20 little baby knee crunches
  20 upper half curls
  *** pax really thanks Shredder, think I heard him say, "You're swole-come"
  LBH with 3 burpees at the top
Round 3:
  20 ww
  20 block thrust cross thingys
  20 little baby knee crunches
  20 full curls
  LBH with 3 burpees at the top
  *** last couple rotations, we were seranaded with "Baby Shark"…if you haven't heard this song, you clearly don't have a 2-6 year old in the house.  Mulligan corrects me as his 17-month son knows the motions and everything.  You should look it up on YouTube…and then claw off your ears when you are still humming it 17-hours later.
  *** this is where Dirt really pushed Skipper, then they fly through the burpees, and race back #studs
Blocks back to the back:
Skipper runs back with block overhead #Iacceptyourchallenge
max pull ups with goal to at least reach previous
return to p.lot for…

20x Freddie Mercury's
20x fire hydrants (10/side)
20x low flutters
  *** YHC does low dollies on the first couple for some reason…thanks for the Team Backup Dandelion
15x Peter Parkers
1 minute of American Hammer

Circle Up
Reflection: John 13:34-35
Everyone knows The Golden Rule mentioned in Matt 22:39.  Love your neighbor as yourself.
During the Last Supper, Jesus gives us one last commandment and steps up the emphasis and benchmark for how we are to love one another.
John 13:34-35
"34 I am giving you a new commandment, that you [f]love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you too are to love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you have love and unselfish concern for one another.”
– Not only did He come to earth to teach us; Jesus was beaten and crucified to wipe away our sins.  Not because we deserve justification; only because He loves us so much.
– Then he gives us this expectation to love one another in the same way.  And that when we do this, people will know we are His disciples.
– Are you living up to this expectation?
– Are you really practicing sacrificial love for your family?  Your friends?  Neighbors?  Strangers?
– The Golden-er Rule…take some time to think about this.  Maybe talk with your wife about this.

Such an honor to lead you fellas
Be Blessed Guys – Have a great week – Love generously