The Good Old Days

Event Date

Jan 29, 2022




Three F3 Mustang veterans showed to prove they weren’t skeered of the wind and the cold or the undetermined Q for throwback low-headcount Saturday morning beatdown. 

Sonar was first to parking lot, saw the Q was STILL open. He saw the shot, there was no danger, so he took it (with apologies to Maverick)

To the surprise of no one, a simple circuit was on tap. It looked something like this. 


20 IC side straddle hops

10 IC cotton pickers

10 IC toy soldiers 


  • Mosey to the first chute up the parking lot and quadrophelia up
  • Karaoke right toward the tennis courts, swap to karaoke left at the halfway point 
  • Stop at the benches outside the tennis courts for either 15 dips, 15 step-ups, or 15 squats depending on current injury status (#scalable)
  • Mosey to to track through the small gate and head toward the bleachers 
  • Box jumps (or whatever you can muster) to the top
  • 10 calf raises
  • Down the bleachers to the start line 
  • 100 meter sprint down the straight to the back 
  • WALK the turn 
  • 100 meter sprint to the front
  • WALK out of the track back up to the parking lot. 
  • Mosey to the launch pad for 
  • REPEATO til Mary!


-10 IC Dr Ws


Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

This set of verses is now printed out and kept at my desk to remind me of how I should be handing the situations in my life that cause me stress and worry. 


  • The circuit is normally used by YHC to keep people of different abilities, speeds and health levels somewhat together.  Worked great today!  I don't think we were more than 10-feet apart from each other the entire time. Thanks, Hefty, for hangin' with the slow guys 😉 
  • C# decided to show he has still has some wheels on one of the sprints – he should recover by Tuesday
  • The planned burpee “prison” would have been a crowd-pleaser with more PAX but with three of us, it just would have been mean.
  • Turnout was short on quantity but lacked nothing in quality. Fond memories of low-attendance, cold-weather workouts from years gone by. 
  • The stiff, frozen breeze from the north in our faces during the first 100m did not translate into a breeze pushing from the back on the second – what gives?
  • Prayers up for C-sharp’s in-laws as they deal with pressing health issues. 
  • As always, it is a honor to be allowed to “lead” and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3