The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

11 Pax came in from the cold to join the Stretch Armstrong beatdown.

The Thang

  • We stretched
  • We talked
  • We laughed
  • We drank coffee
  • We enjoyed yoga music 

The Moleskin

  • Good times were had by all. 
    • IKEA made the long trip from the south for a guest visit.  
    • Die Hard made us coffee
    • Ponch prayed us out with another fantastic sermon
  • The Bad – Frogger regailed us with stories of his bad boy days, court apperances, and his luck for dating the DA's daughter.   
  • The workout got Ugly when Ponch had to help Toxic with his stretches. Bromance or Police brutality? Toxic's smile and desire for a smoke afterwards sums it up.