The Great Eight Obfuscate the Hate

When many other blokes in F3Nation are still sauntering to their AO, shaking off the cobwebs of the weekend, beginning to think about the pain they may or may not edure, the 8 gathered at #machoman were already sweating, keeping a promise they made to themselves to show up at 5:15 (or JUST thereafter) and deliver 45 min of honest physical activity, so that they may begin their week just one step ahead of, well, everybody else.  And here is their story….

Warmups: Short Mozy, SSH 20 IC, 1 burpee, IST 15 IC, 2 burpees, Toy Soldiers 10, 3 burpees, Mericans 10 IC, MC's 15 IC, 4 burpees, Squats 20 IC, 5 burpees.  There… we are sufficiently warmed up, yet other F3 AO's are chatting about their cocktail parties this past weekend.  But wait, there's more!  Break up into 2 groups, Group 1 (a) does 20 Incline Mericans, 2 (b) does 10 pull ups, repeato.  Final set is AMRAP declines and was SUPPOSED to be one arms, but modified to just pullups, as YHC couldn't crank one measly little one armed pullup, pathetic.

The Thang: Mozy to Parking lot A. Lunge to midline, traveling burpees to far curb. Meander to next curb, 15 calf raises each side.  Mozy to 'apparati heaven'.  Grab three (3) slosh pipes and one sandbag.  Pair up.  One man excercises, the other runs to far end of field, rotate apparatus each set, henceforthhereto give each 'couple' a turn on each apparatus.  Curls, squats, mil presses, skull crushers.  THEN, one partner Zamperini's the toy, other lunge walks to first line, switch to come back.  Switch toys, one parter bear crawls to first line, other curls, rinse and repeat.  Switch.  One partner does something that currently eludes me :-/, the other crab walks to first line and runs back, rinse and repeat.  Last excercise is another ZamperiniTM as the other partner lunges 20 steps, switch and come back.  Tars (tires if you know what scrapple is).  One man flips, 20 Mericans, line up and go through crowd.  Do the same with CDD's 20, squats 20, and finally 8 burpees (thank you FLG).  Return toy, head to Parking Lot B. Lunge to midline.  Cross to Parking Lot A, traveling burpees to midline.  Mozy home to COP, aka…

Mary (all IC): Freddie Merc's 15, WWII's 15 (Motorboat), Arm AND Leg 6"–enought to be painful-Manhands, Homer to Marge (or leg up to leg down over a 4 count)(plenty) Chief, Low Flutter topped with some, free of charge, leg ups/downs Geronimo.  Recover, recover.


-This fine group was impressive, and I'm talking about the mumblechatter here.  The Q was even accused of doing something 'that had already been done before'……really?

-Folks were dribbling in at 5:17-18-19…….musta been a bender weekend for some.

-We kept Manhands' LL baseball team in our prayers as they go into the postseason tonight. (I'm being seriously!)

-There was one or two (unnamed) of the pax that 'questioned' whether they were 'getting more macho' during the early part of the Q, I am hoping that FLG and Chief felt their presence was 'verified' machismo by the end of the workout….. ooops.

-Manhands, thanks for the keys.  It's ALWAYS fun to lead;-)

-Geronimo, your Mary excercise was a true capstone, thank you. 

FLG-how you do those traveling burpees so fast??  Must be a 'hate' thing…….